The county council under fire from a “cyberattack”

by time news

Crisis unit and blackout. This Thursday, to “protect data and isolate its computer system”, the departmental council of the Alpes-Maritimes announces that it “has been forced to cut its networks”, the community “facing a cyberattack”. “A complaint has been filed and a notification has been sent to the Cnil”, the National Commission for Computing and Liberties, she said in a press release.

Without specifying the time of the launch of this attack, the department assured in the evening that it had “been fixed”. « Experts from the Digital Services Department [DSN] immediately triggered a crisis unit “in order to avoid, according to the community, “the spread of the virus”.

Hacked data?

But, in the meantime, the servers of the county council, which manages health and social action in favor of the elderly, disabled people, children and families and people in difficulty, could they have been plundered? “The overall diagnosis of the attack is in progress but the responsiveness of the response makes it possible to consider that no data from the community has been hacked,” she says.

To find out more about the possible damage, the department works “in collaboration with Orange cyberdefense and with the help of the National Agency for the Security of Information Systems”. In the meantime, despite the closure of the networks, the date of return to service of which is not specified, all the missions and public services of the community remain operational, she indicates.

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