The court left some of the defendants in custody

by time news

2023-04-17 15:41:05

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Some of those arrested in the Kempir-Abad case on April 17 were left in custody in SIZO-1 in Bishkek. This decision was made by the Pervomaisky District Court of the capital.

According to the court decision, the following remain in custody until June 20: the ex-governor of the Jalal-Abad region Bektur Asanov, a member of the political council of the Butun Kyrgyzstan party Akyl Aitbaev, an activist Temir Makhmudov, and a politician Ravshan Dzheenbekov.

The leader of the Chyndyk political party Kubanychbek Kadyrov, a member of the United Democratic Movement of Kyrgyzstan Keneshbek Duishebaev and ex-Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Malaysia Azimbek Beknazarov also remained in custody.

A similar decision was made by the court against activists Ali Shabdan (Chynarbek Shabdan uulu), Erlan Bekchoro, Aidanbek Akmatov and Aibek Buzurmankulov. Activist Ilgiz Shamenov was also extended his detention until June 20.

The process against human rights activist Rita Karasartova was postponed. According to the April TV channel, the reason for the postponement was that her lawyer fell ill.

Earlier, on April 12, the court released seven other defendants in the Kempir-Abad case under house arrest.

In October 2022, police detained about 30 activists, politicians and human rights defenders on charges of preparing to organize mass riots. All those arrested publicly criticized the transfer of the Kempir-Abad reservoir to Uzbekistan and believe that these statements were the reason for their arrest.

The investigation, relying on audio recordings from the meetings of the Kempir-Abad defense committee, stated that those who had gathered were allegedly preparing full-scale rallies and wanted to seize power.

At the same time, not all of those arrested in the case were at the meeting, which the investigation speaks of, and not all were members of the committee. Despite this, the indictments of all defendants in the case are similar. Most of the detainees are still in custody in SIZO-1 in Bishkek.

In January 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs completely classified the Kempir-Abad case, which angered defense lawyers, who considered such a decision unreasonable. On March 15, the Bishkek City Court partially removed the secrecy stamp from this case.

#court #left #defendants #custody

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