the Court of Auditors curbs the government

by time news

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne promised in response to comply with the Court’s severe interim note.

Insufficient, imprecise, difficult to understand, even incoherent: the Court of Auditors published a severe interim note on Friday, dated July 28, tackling the government’s policy on the energy renovation of buildings, to which the Prime Minister promised in response to comply with. “The Court finds insufficient consistency in the articulation” public policies for the energy renovation of buildings, she underlines in this text of which AFP has received a copy.

The very notion of renovation remainsimprecise” and the “frequent reforms“of the sector have harmed”readability“Devices put in place, adds the Court of Auditors. In particular, she points to “inconsistenciesbetween administrations, such astown planning rules“which lead the decentralized services of the Ministry of Culture or certain local authorities to “prohibit energy renovation work in city centers or around historic monuments». «The energy renovation policy for buildings lacks strong and effective management and an efficient support public service throughout the national territory.“, laments the Court.

In her written response, posted online by the Court, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne highlights the tightening of the management carried out since January with the launch of a public housing renovation service France Renov’, which according to her offers “neutral and independent information, advice and support». «1,800 France Renov’ advisers, spread over more than 500 Advice Spaces, welcome our fellow citizens throughout the national territory to answer their questions and help them with their projects.“says Elisabeth Borne.

A “simplified course” for the end of 2022, promises Borne

The Court of Auditors considers for its part that this new entity “has not yet made it possible to clarify the roles and missions of the different structures». «Efforts must still be made to continue simplifying the accumulation of aid between them, and to consolidate the coherence of the system as a whole around investment aid focused on the most efficient works and favoring the most modest households.“, admits the Prime Minister in her response.

It promises the deployment of a “simplified routeby the end of 2022, making it possible tocombine the benefit of MaPrimeRénov’ and the zero-rate eco-loan“and assures that his government counts”achieve in 2024 a system that is even simpler, more readable, and which encourages more efficient and comprehensive energy renovations».

This exchange comes after the denunciation by the Defender of Rights on October 17 of “serious dysfunctions in the public aid mechanism» for energy renovation MaPrimeRénov’, set up in 2020 and managed by the National Housing Agency (Anah). This device aims to help low-income French people renovate their homes to reduce their energy consumption and their CO2 emissions, but the online procedures are marred by numerous malfunctions denounced by the Defender of Rights.

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