The covid has caused the price of houses by the sea to skyrocket

by time news

A year of accumulated savings and another summer just around the corner in which to live with the anti-Covid measures: these could be the two factors that prompted many Italians to look for a beach house to buy. According to Research Department in the last year, analyzing the market in the main areas of sea tourism, the demand has registered important increases everywhere, with a record of + 153% in the Cinque Terre he was born in + 119% in the Pelagie Islands (Linosa and Lampedusa).

“Moving towards second homes now appears for many to be the only guarantee of being able to move from their residence where they spent the last year almost continuously, between lockdowns and restrictions – he declares Carlo Giordano, CEO of – If we add to this the large savings accumulated in recent months, it is not surprising that there is such an important increase in the demand for houses in the most beautiful seaside places in our country. Our analysis reveals a real desire to buy a place in the sun, to be used this year as a holiday resort and probably as a source of income for the years to come, with the end of the pandemic and the reopening of tourism “.

The greatest increase in requests compared to last year is visible in the tourist locations easily accessible from major centers, in particular from Milano, with the aforementioned Cinque Terre, and from Roma. The other areas that have marked a volume of demand far above last year are in fact the archipelago of Pontine islands (+85%), l’Agroromano and the Gulf of Gaeta (+ 68%) and the Maremma Laziale (+ 61%). The demand for properties for sale in theTuscan archipelago.

If the interest in the purchase of a property by the sea is increasing in all the tourist areas of the country taken into consideration, that for the Southern locality. Scrolling through the ranking of those that have earned the most interest compared to last year, you can also find the Cilento and the islands in front of Campania, with an increase in demand of almost 50%. Also in Sicily there was an increase in searches of over 30%, while it stopped shortly before this threshold Puglia, with the areas of the Salento (+ 29%) and del Gargano (+26%).

But how much does a private place in the sun cost? And what happened to the costs in the year of Covid?

The pandemic does not seem to have affected the prices of beach houses, albeit with some exceptions. The first three most expensive territories are also those in which the values, in twelve months, are slightly down: these are the Campania Islands, where they spend almost 6,400 euros per square meter (-5%), the Amalfi Coast with his 5,943 euros / sqm (-6%) and the Riviera di Levante, where they ask themselves on average 5,405 euros / sqm (-2% in one year).

To spend less you have to look at the locations in the South, in particular the costs have proved to be cheaper in Gargano, dove do not exceed 1,400 euros per square meter, in Salento with an average request of 1,601 euro / sqm and in the seaside resorts ofAbruzzo, with an average cost of 1,614 euros. All values ​​that have tended to remain steady in the last year.

The only places where prices show a significant increase compared to 2020 are the Pelagie Islands: in a market of smaller dimensions than the others, due to the nature of its small surface, costs increased by 25% in one year against an increase in the supply of properties for sale (+ 241%). The increase in prices in the Sorrento Peninsula (+ 13%) e in the Pontian archipelago (+ 8%) but in these two cases the supply of houses is down by 8%.

The photograph of the offer

An increase in demand usually responds to a decrease in supply but in the last year the pandemic has upset some balances, including that of the real estate market in seaside resorts. The availability of houses for sale has grown almost everywhere, with a few exceptions. Of the thirty maritime areas analyzed, the only ones to register a decrease in supply compared to last year are the Campania Islands (-4%), the Pontine Islands and the Sorrentine Peninsula (-8%), the Five lands (-28%), the Islands Aeolian Islands and the Ionian Sicily (respectively -12% and -13%).

“The general increase in supply is due to the historical moment of great difficulty for those who were in possession of a property in tourist resorts often intended for holiday homes – he concludes Giordano – Many owners, in the face of the high costs required by maintenance and taxation for these properties, have preferred to put them up for sale, thus fueling the availability of houses, often of higher quality than the others, being more cared for and renovated. This particular situation, which we can now trace back to the pandemic and which we have been observing for several months, leads prices not to undergo major fluctuations, both for a higher quality of homes for sale, consequently of greater value, and for a sort of resilience of those who sell them who are not yet willing to lower the price “.


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