The Covid no longer weighs directly on hospital resources

by time news

Hospitalizations for Covid continue to decline in France.

The number of patients hospitalized for Covid in France has continued to drop significantly since April. There are now 534 hospitalizations per day, on average, 28% less than the previous week. And of the 16,935 patients currently hospitalized, only 1,074 are in a critical care unit. We have to go back to October 2021 to find such a low figure. “You still have to be careful, it wouldn’t take much to put pressure on the already weakened services. We have seen in the past that a variant can change the situation very quickly.tempers the Pr Rémi Salomon, chairman of the AP-HP establishment medical committee. The doctor stresses the importance of reminders for all vulnerable people, the oldest in particular, for whom contamination by Sars-CoV-2 is more likely to lead to hospitalization.

“Of Covid patients, there are only a few left in the hospital and only one in critical care; we moved on. But now that the tide is receding, we can see everything that was below!”summarizes the Pr Éric Maury, head of the medical resuscitation service at Saint-Antoine hospital (Paris) and president of the French-language resuscitation society (SRLF). A report shared by other hospital doctors contacted by Le Figaro.

The Covid continues to produce, indirectly, pressure on many hospital services: “The delay in care accumulated during the pandemic for non-Covid patients had repercussions at the end of the crisis and has since caused the maintenance of strong activity”explains the Dr Roland de Varax, head of the multipurpose resuscitation service and president of the establishment medical commission of the Mâcon hospital center. A situation that still often leads to moving caregivers from one service to another to fill staff shortages. A management of human resources that causes a lot of suffering. “Caregivers no longer want to be considered as pawns that are moved around as needed. They need to be recognized as a human person, it seems obvious, but this is no longer the case in the hospital.laments the Dr Varax.

Point of no return

In the intensive care unit of the Mâcon hospital, five people left, three paramedics and two doctors. “And the others are also asking questionssays the head of department. The Covid was an indicator of the awareness on the part of caregivers that their working conditions were no longer tenable. A point of no return has been passed.

The Pr Éric Maury evokes a “nurse hemorrhage” confirmed by the Pr Remi Solomon. “We have seen in Île-de-France a drop in the recruitment of nurses during the crisis. The young people who did their hospital internships during the pandemic had a very harsh image of the hospital and many chose to work elsewhere.illustrates the doctor.

“Young interns today no longer dream of a career in the hospital, confirm the Pr Éric Maury. And it will not be enough to put billions on the table, even if the lack of means weighs. We will also have to take time and provide a thoughtful response because it is the entire organization of the hospital system that needs to be reviewed.

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