The crazy success of crowdfunding: 2.3 billion euros were collected in 2022

by time news

About ten years after its appearance in France, crowdfunding has established itself as a savings solution in its own right. According to the fourth barometer from the Mazars firm and the Participatory Financement France (FPF) association, more than 2.3 billion euros were collected in 2022 on the platforms that offer it, i.e. 25% more than in 2021.

Since 2015, this figure has been multiplied by 14! “It is a financial mechanism that is both simple and accessible”, analyzes Florence de Maupeou, general manager of FPF, to explain this success.

As a reminder, there are three ways to participate in a crowdfunding campaign, in other words to support projects on a specialized platform, such as KissKissBankBank, Ulule, Tudigo or Wiseed: donation (with or without compensation), paid loan or investment. “We can thus enter the capital of a company without being a business angel and for a very low entry ticket”, adds Florence de Maupeou.

9.4% return for real estate crowdfunding

Because there is not necessarily need to have a well-stocked wallet. Last year, donations made on the platforms averaged 82 euros, interest-bearing loans 3,000 euros, and capital investment 5,420 euros. Main attraction for individuals, in all cases: “They can keep control of what they allocate their money to, unlike other types of support. »

And the investment can be lucrative: 6% return on average for the paid loan. Even 9.4% for real estate crowdfunding, the favorite of investors since it accounts for two thirds in the overall collection.

A risky investment, but better supervised

These attractive interest rates should not, however, hide the fact that crowdfunding remains risky: companies or projects can collapse without hope of recovering their money. “The platform selection process is very rigorous and nevertheless makes it possible to limit defects,” adds Florence de Maupeou.

The latter are also increasingly supervised. By November 10, they will have to obtain the new European approval as a crowdfunding service provider to continue their activity.

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