The creation of a special court against domestic violence greeted with skepticism

by time news

For once, the actors of the judicial world (lawyers, magistrates and ministry) are in tune. All regret the lack of consultation upstream and all consider that the bill adopted on Thursday 1is December, by the National Assembly is a false good idea, which could, in the end, create more complications than solutions.

Presented by Aurélien Pradié, MP (Les Républicains, LR) for Lot, it aims to create a “court specialized in domestic violence”, son the model of what exists in Spain. This jurisdiction would associate “the powers of the civil judge and the criminal judge”based on “on referents within each prosecutor’s office”, explained the chosen one. Adopted at first reading, the proposal will be sent to the Senate, with a majority on the right.

“This is a subject that I have been carrying since 2019, it is not a work written in a hurryexplains the candidate for the presidency of LR whom some, in the majority, suspect of having wanted to make a political coup before the first round of the internal vote of his party, on December 3 and 4. The Spaniards have had a specialized jurisdiction for eighteen years and there has been a gigantic decline in the number of feminicides. » Mr. Pradié thus intends to toughen the sanctions against violent husbands, in particular by developing the use of the anti-reconciliation bracelet.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Noisy-le-Sec, the town hall targets the perpetrators of domestic violence

“We will have to slow down on something else”

In the entourage of Eric Dupond-Moretti, the Minister of Justice, it is judged that the adopted text is a “counter-productive proposal which carries a very restrictive apprehension of legal action in matters of violence against women and children”. At the chancellery, it is assured that a policy more “voluntarist” is carried by the government. Thus, the ministry recalls that Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, entrusted MP Emilie Chandler (Renaissance, Val-d’Oise) and Senator Dominique Vérien (Centrist Union, Yonne) with a mission to make proposals for improve the legal treatment of domestic violence.

This mission should benefit from the support of all the services of the Ministry of Justice and, in particular, of the General Inspectorate and the services of Isabelle Rome, Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men . Finally, the Ministry insists on the specific organization, already existing, of the courts, with the creation of specific circuits in more than one hundred and twenty-three courts with emergency channels to deal with violence against women.

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