The crisis in Torah Judaism: Gafni’s plan to destroy Goldknopf’s agreement

by time news

The crisis in Torah Judaism is in full swing: MK Moshe Gafni Considers asking for the position of minister and thus thwarting his appointment Goldknopf for the position of Minister of Housing and Membership in the Political-Security Cabinet. In the meantime, the Torah Flag is working with the Likud on an agreement separate from the Agudat Israel when the split of the factions is on the agenda, but leaving an option for the joint agreement.

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As I recall, after Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu informed President Herzog that “it was up to him”, MK Gafni sent a sharp letter to Netanyahu in which he demanded that the coalition agreement be reopened, claiming that the agreements reached were only with Agudat Israel, and not with the entire faction. “We ‘discovered’ appendices that were attached to the signed agreement, including things that we objected to during the negotiations, and even positions and memberships in bodies that have been received from them to this day as always as instructed by our gentlemen. This separate signing has great significance,” it said.

Later, the Torah flag faction published a clarification stating that they are opposed to accepting the position of minister who is responsible for all government actions as well as members of the cabinet. “Degal HaTorah opposes accepting the position of a minister who bears responsibility for all government actions, including decisions that are against the Halacha, even if he votes against, due to the collective responsibility. All the more, since he is a member of the political cabinet, I am confident that the decisions there are made after the ministers know about all the actions that were taken before and especially When it comes to human life,” it says.

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