“The crisis of confidence is deep enough not to add to it”

by time news

Lhe government has just responded positively to a strong request from the CFDT, among others, to organize “Working Assizes”. Emmanuel Macron and the government seem to be sending a sign to reconnect with social dialogue, putting work at the heart of the discussion. Work, its organization, the conditions of its realization according to the professions, the place it has in society and in the life of each and everyone, constitute a major challenge.

This is all the more important as work and its environment have changed a lot in recent decades. These transformations, these developments have shaken up the forms of work, the statutes and contracts that govern our relationship to work but also the relationship between the relationship between professional life and personal life…

Under the effect of the almost disappearance of large units in favor of small entities, accelerated by new technologies and in particular digital, work has exploded. It thus loses its integrating effect in the collective dynamics that have marked industrial society, and raises new questions about the relationship between individual and collective, in our way of doing society.

Work is not just a job

From this point of view, addressing the issue of work is essential to also rethink our social protection systems so that they meet today’s needs and are accepted by all. Work is not just a job, it is qualifications, working conditions and organizations that have an impact on the lives of men and women, and obviously on our social protection system.

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  • The lack of training prior to working life makes it difficult for several thousand young people each year to find work, who find themselves in difficult precarious situations.
  • The lack of training in companies generates deskillings that can lead to unemployment, and puts seniors in a situation of extreme fragility on the labor market.
  • The weakness of prevention policies generates occupational illnesses, accidents at work, which can lead to long-term illnesses, incapacities for work which result in long work stoppages, disability measures.
  • Difficult working conditions wear down those who carry them out, making it impossible to exercise a prolonged activity beyond the age of 55 or 60.
Read also: A new reform of unemployment insurance “more incentive and more protective”, promises the government
  • The pressures, the contradictory injunctions between profitability and responses to needs, can lead to transforming exciting jobs into a hassle generating a desire to retire as soon as possible.

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