The cross-examination in case 1,000: “We will reveal the truth”

by time news

Adv. Amit Hadad (Photo: Olive Repitusi / Flash 90)

Also today (Tuesday), Hadas Klein, Arnon Milchen’s assistant, came to court to continue her testimony in the 1,000 case in which Netanyahu is accused of fraud and breach of trust.

The cross-examination is taking place today – now, Adv. Amit Haddad, Netanyahu’s defense attorney accused in the case of fraud and breach of trust, will try to undermine Klein’s credibility, show that the scope descriptions of champagne and cigars were exaggerated, and that Klein prevents feelings of revenge and foreign motives.

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Benjamin Netanyahu was supposed to be present at the cross-examination, but this morning he canceled his arrival in court.

Klein said at the beginning of the trial: “I was going through a shake-up, someone bothered me yesterday” after Netanyahu’s supporter waited for Klein outside the court yesterday and shouted at her ‘corrupt’: “I had to go after a long testimony to file a complaint with the police.”

Judge Rebecca Friedman-Feldman turned to Klein and asked her if “everything is fine?”, And Klein replied, “Why not be fine.”

The judge asked Klein: “If you feel uncomfortable, tell me.”

Hadas Klein in the cross-examination (Photo: Oliver Fitoussi / Flash 90)

Advocate Haddad intervened and said “We have a long route together, I hope it will be pleasant for you. We will go hand in hand and reveal the truth and I tell you that it is completely different from what was here. Nothing will remain hidden or hidden. It’s time to tell the truth, that Unfortunately, other things were heard here. You said they made you say them. There are things here that are just not true“.

Haddad asked Klein about the number of her investigations with the police, and with whom from the prosecution she spoke. Klein mentioned names and said she did not remember exactly how many interrogations, and Haddad responded, “Can you guess? Are you good at speculation?”

“If I say it’s hundreds of hours of interrogation, completing an interrogation, I’m not exaggerating,” Haddad said, and Klein replied, “I did not include the hours, really not. I do not know.” The two confronted. “You told reporters out there that in your opinion you were only telling the truth,” Haddad said. You want to change something from what you said to the police, to the prosecutor’s office. “

Haddad made it clear that he intends to dwell on all of the examples Klein cited in the main testimony. “We will spend a whole day on these episodes, a whole day and more. Then we will sharpen everything with a knife – as a metaphor. We will spend many days every issue and issue, so I would love for you to answer yes and no. I hope we can do it pleasantly for both of us.”

At the beginning of the hearing, about 20 Netanyahu supporters who appeared at the trial were observed

Adv. Amit Haddad Valid

Advocate Haddad addresses Klein: “I tell you that the reality is completely different, gifts were given from time to time by Milchen to the former prime minister and also occasionally to Sarah Netanyahu, but what you described about the quantity – everything is false. Klein replied:” I stand About my things. “Adv. Haddad repeats:” I will show you that cigars arrived outside of a meeting, maybe once or twice on birthdays – The evidence will show that the amount of gifts was much smaller. “.

As you may recall, Klein testified in her previous testimonies that the Netanyahu couple received boxes of champagne and handed over quantities of cigars to the Netanyahu couple.

Haddad claims today that gifts were indeed sent to the Netanyahu couple with the driver only a few times, but on a much smaller scale than Klein described, Klein said: “I assume you will interrogate the driver, Jonathan Hasson.” Adv. Haddad: “He tells a different story from you,” Klein: “All right.”

“Your claim of 3 crates is a claim made in your testimony in court. There is not once that 3 crates are written. Your version that there were always a minimum of 2 cigars is occupied” said Advocate Haddad, Klein replied: “I came to testify at the police and asked me to quantify the amount The drinks and at first I gave a higher percentage to champagne bottles. I did not prepare in advance, I tried to quantify. I then consulted with my lawyer and said I might have said too high a percentage. At the next interrogation, I said that I might have done something wrong to someone, so I lowered the percentage a bit. “

Netanyahu, Archive (Photo: Haim Goldberg)

Haddad resented and said that there were critical interviews that were destroyed or not collected on purpose and again turned to Klein: “There are very deep friendships between Milchen and Packer and Netanyahu, and the truth is also between you and Sarah Netanyahu,” to which she replied: “I do not agree.”

Adv. Haddad refers to the matter of the jewelry that Sarah received from Milchen, Klein in her testimony last night said that Sarah Netanyahu asked for a certain piece of jewelry to be brought to her and received it from Milchen. Today Adv. Haddad says: You (Klein) turn and say that Arnon wants to give a present. “In the run-up to the 2015 birthday, did you turn around and say that Arnon wanted to give a gift?” Klein replied that she did not remember. Adv. Haddad insisted: , Klein replied again that she did not know.

Haddad continues: “I tell you yours and the police have a common interest in blackening Sarah and Benjamin Netanyahu, inflating as much as possible, hiding evidence. I promise you – everything will be revealed – even when you think it was well hidden.” The judges asked Sharp not to speak but to ask the witness, Klein replied: “Am I one-handed with the police? Come on really.”

Haddad’s evidence

Advocate Haddad asked Klein a number of questions about the fact that communication with the relevant figures in the case was also conducted through phone calls and correspondence.

Klein confirmed. Advocate Haddad: “Confirm that you did not present the investigators with even one message,” Klein confirmed again.

Haddad presented that there was a search warrant at Klein’s home and in the end no search was made, Klein confirmed.

Klein said that at the request of investigators, she searched her phone for search words, Advocate Haddad resented: “Either you are lying here in court, or there is no trace of this incident.”

Klein’s phone mystery: Advocate Haddad asks Klein if she hid her phone from the investigators and she replies in the negative and states that there was no reason for her to give her phone to the investigators.

Klein said “I have nothing to hide, I do not enter the interrogation with a telephone. What do I have to do with a telephone? Boaz (Ben Tzur) also told me not to enter with a telephone.” Advocate Haddad: “I have never met a detainee who came to the interrogation without a phone if he has nothing to hide. The interrogators asked you why you came without a phone? “Haddad asked Klein and she replied in the negative.

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