Arts and crafts, honored during European days until April 2, enjoys good visibility but is concerned with the transmission of know-how. It is to respond to this concern that the Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul Malak, hopes to raise awareness among young people about arts and crafts, through the “Culture Pass”.
The system, set up between the Culture Pass and the Wecandoo company, aims to introduce young people to careers at the crossroads of technical excellence and creativity. An initiative called to be part of a broader support plan, unveiled next May. When she took office, the Minister of Culture had already announced the promotion of crafts as one of her priorities.
The choice of the “Culture pass” to highlight crafts
In concrete terms, since the opening of the European Days of Crafts (Jema) on Monday 27 March, the Pass culture application has offered many workshops to discover crafts according to five trades: Pottery and Ceramics; Jewelery and Jewelry; Leather and Leather Goods; Textile, Fashion and Styling; Wood, Carpentry and Cabinetmaking. According to the office of the Ministry of Culture, the ” pass Culture is a real lever for making these professions known to its three million users.
A surprising choice?
Who is Wecandoo ? The company, which has taken a predominant place in the craft sector, allows craftsmen to complete their activity with initiation sessions of one to three hours, intended for a wide audience.
« Will young people really choose to use their pass to discover 281 professions almost unknown to the general public? asks Sandra Furlan, who runs a consulting agency in the development and mediation of fine crafts, MDMA Paris. The founder regrets that this system of promotion of artistic professions is not part of the school course, ” which would have suggested that the State invest for the future in these crafts, not as a leisure activity, but as a possible professional path, in the same way as engineering, commerce, law, etc. ».
Additional levers to raise young people’s awareness of artistic professions
The state also has a ” armed arm ” in this area, INMA, which raises young people’s awareness of the arts and crafts sector. In order to arouse curiosity and develop the creativity of the younger generations, INMA coordinates, with a set of partners, an artistic and cultural education program for middle school students, “Discovering Artistic Professions”. .
Many general interest associations, whose job is to mediate and raise awareness of crafts, exist and could also be promoted. The 235 associations of The tool in hand participate in this effort thanks to volunteers, who, all year round, introduce young people to their trades, from the age of nine.
If the Minister of Culture seems to keep her promise, the continuation of the plan concerning crafts is eagerly awaited in the sector.