The current battle for the State of Mexico. For a Wellness Revolution for Mexicans. Part III and last

by time news

2023-05-01 12:15:00

Today I conclude my proactive analysis about the current contest for power in the Mexico state. I do it aware that those in power, from the power groups, the campaign staffs, the leadership of federal or state and regional power, do not find out because they do not mind reading columns like this, they may not even care what think y propose academics, studious analysts of the national reality, of its specific problems. Because the power of the closed bureaucracieshermetic, authoritarian, even among the contingents whose discourse is to seek the change sociopolitical. Son bureaucracies whose main objective is manage social support.

The authoritarian culture of distance from the power of the thinking circles (because they can also be critical and they do not like that) that ignore to those who think and propose is deeply rooted in all political forces in Mexico. Elites and administrative bureaucracies predominate obedient y suspicious of everyone and everything, except the closest ones, even if they are without updating or initiative. Finally, that’s how we are.

In the two previous deliveries we have raised from the factors of the reality socio-economic y policy of the State of Mexico, and some of its problematic critical, the need to transcend the purposeful and scarce limitations of the two candidates to the state government, coming from public social management, the need for a State of Mexico of the WelfareYes, as they affirm from the candidacy of the teacher Delfina Gomezbut with a integral conception of Well-being, which entails understanding the different social problems of the Mexicans, which transcends the management of federal and state social programs (“pink salary” and some other), to be articulated with the issue of security understood as Security and Citizen Protection (not Public Safety) with politics anticrimensocial justice and criminal justice from the state changes possible in the justice system, the innovative health, transportation and education programs and the correct and auditable management of the public resources of the state that further budget has in the republic, the policies of active promotion of economic development through large agreements with private, national and transnational investment and the combate frontal to the corruption with structural policies, not with cases of impact, propitiatory legal frameworks.

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We have called all this Wellness Revolution. The isolated policiesdo not be fooled, despite the fact that the current government of the president AMLO already offers asupport floor”. The conception that we offer would go further, taking advantage of the experience that is had today and was not had at the beginning of the current government, and once the terrible global pandemic had passed. This will help a lot. At another time they were very important obstructors of the plans and programs.

The beginning of the economic theory is the lack of sources Faced with ever-growing needs. The Expenditure Law of the State of Mexico for fiscal year 2023 it was $356,000 million pesos. In addition, between the State of Mexico, Jalisco and Mexico City absorbieron this same 2023 31% of the total resources of the calls “federal shares”, destined to the 32 entities, that is, $264.640 million pesos. The State of Mexico, which is the more populated of the country, will have resources for participations during the year for $126,606 million pesos (14.22%); the Mexico Citywhich concentrates most of the large and transnational companies will receive $87.985 million (9.88%) from the Federation, and Jalisco60,049 million (6.74% of all participations).

Thus, the State of Mexico will receive this year $38.621 million pesos more than Mexico City and a little more than double that of Jalisco. A fortune to say it colloquially. We must think now, what is going to be done alternatively with all that money with respect to what was done by the governments of the AT. Frontal fight against corruption with public finances. Strengthen the criminal legal powers of supervisory and sanctioning bodies. In short, the State of Mexico will receive this 2023 a sum total of about $483,000 million pesos. much can be done.

But it is possible increase such income from own sources if a set of economic activities are carried out that impact the tax structure, public revenue. urgently required, reduce the crime rate, reduce the informality economical with a great program of regularization e tax incentives (today they do not contribute anything) to production processes, increase the supply of formal employment by supporting labour-intensive manufacturing, promoting the social and solidarity economy that even in the most developed countries of Europa Occidental has an important place.

This trichotomy between public employment, social programs and private employment is absolutely false. You have to go to the economy social y solidarity, so that the mass of unemployed self-organize under other unconventional economic forms and government leadership. The Wellness Economy we have reaffirmed demand agreements of amplitude y depth with large private capital that incorporates supply chains with small and medium-sized companies with all kinds of legal and fiscal guarantees.

Develop a specific policy for the hundreds of thousands of older adults what get old quickly and no income. It’s hard to cover them pension to all. It is necessary innovate. Many are still of productive age. A job promotion policy for them is the right thing to do. Agreements with the private sector, with military institutions engaged in large projects whose opening favors them and offer them the option of the social and solidarity economy with official support.

Security, criminal policy and expeditious and effective justice is a very complex. We require a policy of attacking the unsafety differentiated in the 12 regions of the State of Mexico that include the 125 municipalities. Intelligence and more specialized intelligence and fully reliable tables. Innovate the mechanisms for entry, promotion and permanence. Confidence Control Exams (ECC) after everything done by “the seven horsemen of the apocalypse” in front of which was garcia moon and the entire team that surrounded themselves in the AFI, the Preventive Police, the Federal Police and the Secretariat of Public Security, the CISEN., They were organizations where all that gang approved all the ECCs, we cannot continue with that simulation a-scientific. It is not reliable or useful. They do not guarantee anything. Intelligence and more specialized and reliable intelligence attached to the Constitution can be a factor of great support.

The State of Mexico is the state No. 7 among the poorest in Mexico, that is, there are 6 states of the republic that are poorer than the State of Mexico, but there are also 24 with fewer poor than the State of Mexico. One of the richest families in Mexico resides in the latter, it is in place No. 17, the family Hank Ron with a fortune of $2.6 billion US dollars. That is, about 50,000 million pesos. the late professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez A prominent member of the Atlacomulco group, he was a deputy, municipal president of Toluca, governor of the State of Mexico, Head of the Department of the Federal District, Secretary of Agriculture and Hydraulic Resources, and Secretary of Tourism. Nothing else. Also author of the famous phrase in Mexican politics: “A poor politician is a poor politician”. He consumed it in spades.

There is a little-known function of “Professor Hank González”: he was a member of the “black circle” (only five people) a secret group behind the power within the PRI government, along with Fidel Velázquez and Captain Fernando Gutiérrez Barrios, according to a hypothesis from my research, which emerged from reading the book by Antonio Velasco Pina “The Black Circle”, the group behind the long dominance of the PRI in the second post-war period. His charge was to “take care of the most perfect political system created in Latin America”, embodied in a document called “The Royal Political Constitution of the Mexican State” o “Constitution of the Mexican Monarchy“, a structure absolutist of power in Mexico, to which each candidate for the presidency they approved subscribed. It gave them the chance totake the life of a candidate or president” if it was missing. The “Black Circle” died with the alternation of the PANIn addition, almost all of its members had died.

Anyway… these brutal contrasts are the ones that a medium and long-term Well-being Revolution in the State of Mexico should bring down. If the current leaders campaigning for the teacher Delfina Gómez understand her as such.

Good luck teacher!

#current #battle #State #Mexico #Wellness #Revolution #Mexicans #Part #III

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