The cuts on the Superbonus: what can happen

by time news

The rumors that refer to a reduction in funds destined to finance the energy efficiency works envisaged by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr), seem to be well founded. There is a risk that the extension of the “Superbonus 110%“. Over the three-year period, funding could drop from 18 to 12 billion euros, creating a series of problems. The reactions were immediate. “The government – declares to Corriere della Sera Gabriele Buia, president of Ance (national association of building builders) – must make absolutely clear as soon as possible both on the times for the bonus, which must be brought to at least the end of 2023, and on the simplification of procedures “.

For Martina Nardi, president of the Productive Activities Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, “110% is the only anti-cyclical measure implemented so far and at the same time has a virtuous effect both from an environmental and an employment point of view. Cutting it would be shortsighted and would send an unclear message to families and businesses. Instead, it would need to be extended until 2023, making the possibility of selling the tax credit. The chorus is unanimous: a possible cut in the resources allocated in the Recovery Plan to the “Superbonus 110%”, would not be accepted, especially by the 5 Star Movement, which strongly wanted it.

“The parliamentary group of the M5S has already asked for clarification – said the pentastellato deputy Riccardo Fraccaro -. We hope that the Ministry of the Economy will soon be denied it; it would be a problem to think of being able to vote for the PNRR if the mandate arrived loud and clear from the parliamentary forces is not kept “. For the 5 Stars it is necessary to extend the measure of the “Superbonus 110%” in a broader time perspective, until the end of 2023, considering to include all types of buildings, including those of the hotel industry and extra-hotel and tourist-accommodation, and in whatever state they are, together with one “simplification of access and operational and financial tools to the measure”.

These are the commitments indicated by the majority in the resolution on Def to vote today in the Chamber. Collecting the indications that emerged through the opinions of the standing committees, the document also urges the government to “to take into account, in the preparation of the delegated bill on the tax reform announced for the second half of 2021, the results of the fact-finding investigation on the IRPEF reform underway at the same committees of the Senate and Chamber of Finance together”. It’s at “ensure that the aforementioned draft law is based on the simplification of the system and the overall reduction of the tax burden “. The text urges, again on the tax side, “an organic process of structural reform of collection, also with reference to the valuation of bad debts”.

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