by time news

2024-01-08 08:49:36

Violence continues to ravage the country. There is no state or municipality that is free from the risk of living in Mexico. It doesn’t matter what professional or commercial activity you engage in. Women, men, girls, boys, young people and entire families are prey to the organized crime that plagues all the cities of the nation.

It also doesn’t matter where you are. At home, at a party with family or friends, at work, on the street, in shopping centers, in a restaurant, at bank ATMs, in your car, exercising in a public or private place and even in a funeral, watching over your dead, criminals arrive and destroy entire lives.

There is not a single place in Mexico where you are exempt from violence and crime. It doesn’t matter if you are poor, middle class or rich. They attack, intimidate and kill everyone equally. The Mexican State without any reaction and the public security forces, stone guests who only arrive at the scene of the events, to apply their action protocols and that’s it.

Just as the exercise of journalism in Mexico has been considered high risk by international organizations, now the exercise of law is also added. Being a lawyer and litigating in our country has become a very high risk for any professional, regardless of being a woman or a man. And even more so, for those law graduates who practice their profession in the states and municipalities of the country.

Because? Simply put, in any municipality they are more visible and known. In our state of Guanajuato, a strong breeding ground has been brewing for some time now, where litigants are prey to organized crime, where in the best of cases they are violently threatened by groups of criminals who are hired to intimidate lawyers and stop or leave your affairs. In the capital of Guanajuato, a brilliant and renowned civil litigator was threatened and beaten to drop a case.

In León, Guanajuato last year, it became public knowledge of the lawyers’ union, the kidnapping of another well-known litigant in civil and family matters, who was deprived of his freedom and who fortunately lives to tell about it. Just 9 days ago, another young litigant was brutally murdered in the presence of his children, while they were exercising.

Yesterday we learned of the brutal death of another lawyer from the city of León, who was deprived of his freedom and died with clear signs of violence. The professional in question acquired notable prominence, as he was the defender of several victims of a well-known real estate fraud in the city. A litigator who only did his job honestly, like other lawyers who are victims of crime.

Obviously, in this last case, it will not be possible for the authorities to say that the legal professional was dedicated to defending criminals, far from it, or that he was involved in “strange” topics and with the typical official version, already popular: “who knows.” , what I would be involved in.” No! No way. I insist, he was a litigator who simply did his job, to earn a living like anyone else.

Several crimes in our country have had a great increase in this six-year period of horror that we are experiencing, especially property crimes where everyone commits crimes and defrauds under the protection of the enormous impunity that we experience today, sponsored by the president of Mexico himself and his government, where one day yes and another too, he tells us that “don’t come to me with this that the law is the law, don’t come to me with the story, that the law is the law.” Thus or more clearly, so that everyone does what they want and above all, affects the interests of third parties, after all, “it is a story, that the law is the law.”

Of course, the state authorities are not far behind, the deficiency of their ministerial actions, with indolent officials who are assigned to the regional prosecutor’s offices of Guanajuato, in all the months of the MP of the entity, the bureaucracy is above the emergency and need of those who are victims of a crime.

Every day, citizens are faced with an imminent risk. It is time to do something and just stop being social observers, believing that social networks will save the country.

Don’t you believe?


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