The dangers of holding in a sneeze: from eardrum damage to hemorrhages

by time news

2023-11-20 12:42:02



Updated Monday, November 20, 2023 – 11:42

It is an act that protects our lungs, but its repression has consequences that damage

A popular Polish saying claims that if a person sneezes once, it means that someone is praising them; If she sneezes twice, she is being criticized, and if she sneezes three times it is because someone has fallen in love with her.

Beyond popular sayings, sneezing is a reflex action the most common in which air is expelled at high speed from the lungs through the nose and mouth. A simple act that protects our respiratory tractbut it can have important consequences for our health if we repress it to avoid attracting attention in public.

Sneezing as an ally of health

Los sneezing are actually a Defense mechanism that our body has. When they are triggered it is because our respiratory tract needs eliminate naturally some irritating element that has crept into them and that can compromise our health: from gremene until dust particles, passing through pollen grains in early spring. This is why it is not good to try to avoid sneezing.

ear infections

Contain a sneeze closing the mouth and nostrils with the fingers pincer-shaped can cause a infection in the middle ear. The respiratory tract and ears are connected by a structure called the Eustachian tube, and when you stop that sneeze that tries to expel germs out of our body, it can happen that they stray from their path and end up in our ear. Oh they could play without problem and end up causing a otitis.

Damage to the eardrum

According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sneezing causes air and the particles leave our body at about 70 km/h and reach a distance of about eight meters. That is a lot of air pressure, and if we repress it and do not let it out, that force is projected into our body.

Los tmpanos of our ears are a very thin sheet and sensitive that captures the vibrations of sounds, subjecting them to that air pressure can cause breakages, inflammations and small hemorrhages that damage our hearing in a significant and even irreversible way.


As we have seen, sneezing generates very strong air pressure. Not allowing it to go out can easily damage small blood vessels that will break and will cause nosebleeds or even the conjunctiva of our eyes. The latter will appear as a red spot on the white part of the eyeball.

Can a sneeze transmit diseases?

Yes. During the pandemic there was a lot of talk about coughing as a way of transmitting the viruses that caused the disease, but the same thing happens with sneezing. What’s more, we could say that the spread of respiratory diseases is the greatest danger of sneezing, whenever we have a virus or harmful bacteria colonizing our respiratory tract. Thus we should not sneeze on our hands, placing them as protection in front of the face, since they will become a way of transmitting germs. We must therefore do so in the crook of the elbowlike when we cough, or directly on a disposable tissue.

Is it dangerous to sneeze too many times?

People with allergies, especially during spring, they can sneeze dozens of times in a single day. It is normal for us to become exhausted or even wonder if this could be dangerous, but it is not something that will affect our health. Simply our body is trying to eliminate some particle that has leaked and has come into contact with the mucosa of our respiratory system.

As a curious fact, in case you think you sneeze many times a day, I would remind you of the case of the little girl. Katelyn Thornley, who hit the media in 2015 for sneezing 20 times a minute every day for no apparent reason. All hell.

My chest hurts after sneezing, is this normal?

feel a intense but brief pain in the area of chest after sneezing is not something we have to worry about. The diaphragm contracts to help us expel air from our lungs forcefully and thus expel that harmful particle, and that excess pressure can cause annoying pain in the chest or ribs that disappears without further ado after a few minutes

#dangers #holding #sneeze #eardrum #damage #hemorrhages

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