The Dangers of Sugar Addiction: How Sweet Treats Can Lead to Diabetes and Obesity – Expert Analysis and Prevention Tips

by time news

2024-04-15 01:05:00

“Choosing food that hassweet tasteAnd it’s cold. To help quench your thirst and cool down, for example, ice cream, fruit floats, shaved ice, sugary drinks, and soft drinks until it becomes a habit that sweet food and drinks will make you feel refreshed. animated If you don’t eat dessert, you will feel weak, tired, and irritable.

We call this symptom “Sugar addiction” And when the body receives more sugar than it needs. Those sugars are then processed into fat that is stored throughout the body. The result is obesity, diabetes, and an increased risk of ischemic heart disease.

Eating desserts in large quantities on a regular basis As a result, the body has high blood sugar levels, causingGlycation reaction (Glycation) which is the cause of premature aging

This is because the sugar molecules we eat attach to proteins. Which is the main component of organs and cells within the body, causing a substance called AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-Products) when this substance passes into various cells. of the body, it will cause the cells in that area to die or lose their ability to work.

Research has found that AGEs destroy collagen and protein fibers in the skin. Resulting in wrinkles and dark spots. It also affects brain cells causing Alzheimer’s disease.

It is also a cause of high blood pressure. This is because sugar molecules attach to proteins in the blood vessels, causing the flexibility of the blood vessels to decrease.”

Therefore, I will recommend it to people who really want to have deep knowledge. about sugar Obesity and diabetes. Go watch the youtube clip and podcast about this topic, titled “Obesity and Diabetes.” Three ways to prevent diabetes You can follow the link.

This clip gives very detailed information about diabetes. but in English (And the expert interviewed is Scottish. The accent is a little difficult to hear.) So I would like to summarize the main points as follows.

1. Prof. Sattar said that Asian people have a 2-4 times higher risk than white people of developing diabetes. This is likely because the pancreas of Asian people has a lower capacity. The reason why women are at lower risk of diabetes than men is because Women store fat under their skin. (especially on the buttocks, upper arms and thighs) than men, where fat tends to be concentrated in important organs in the middle of the stomach.

2. Diabetes It may not always be that you eat more than enough sugar. But from eating too much overall, there is excess fat that gets concentrated in places that are harmful to the body.

3. Insulin Produced by the pancreas, it plays a very important role in maintaining the balance of blood sugar levels. When eating starchy and/or sugary foods Blood sugar levels will increase. Insulin will be secreted more to “open the door” for sugar to flow in and be stored in various cells. especially muscle cells

And at the same time Higher insulin levels signal the liver to stop producing sugar. On the contrary When sleeping at night with low blood sugar levels Insulin levels will drop. Signaling the liver to produce more sugar to compensate for the shortage. Because the body needs sugar all the time. Especially important organs that use a lot of energy, such as the brain and heart, etc.

4. Entering the pre-diabetic state increases the risk of heart disease by about 1 times more than people with normal blood sugar levels. (Blood sugar value approximately 100-125 mg/dl or accumulated sugar (HbA1c) 5.7-6.4%), which the measurement of accumulated sugar is more accurate and should be at a level lower than 5.7%.

5.Risk factors that cause diabetes are: An increase in body weight of approximately 5 kilograms or more. The waist started to get bigger. (Men should not exceed 37 inches, women 34 inches), high blood pressure (top number over 140, bottom number over 85) and cholesterol levels above the limit. (Readers should know this information.)

6.When we eat too much food We will force the pancreas to work harder. (Produces a lot of insulin all the time), but is still unable to get rid of the excess energy and has to convert it into fat that sticks in the liver and muscles. (and other places)

But when there is more fat on the liver The liver cannot receive signals from insulin. Insulin resistance (insulin resistance) prevents insulin production from being stopped when it is appropriate to stop. Accelerates the onset of insulin resistance. Muscles with more fat become insulin resistant and have a lower energy demand.

In summary, diabetes occurs because the body stores fat (excess) in the “wrong place”.

7. Diabetes causes the deterioration of important organs. Including the pancreas and liver (fatty liver is a disease that increases very quickly) and leads to kidney failure. (Not because of eating salty food alone) Risk of heart disease. Blindness and slow healing of wounds, etc.

Diabetes prevalence is on the rise. This is partly because diabetes takes many years to develop and there are rarely obvious symptoms at first. Having high levelsTriglyceridesHigh is an indicator of the risk of diabetes.

In addition, having diabetes may have certain symptoms, such as the need to urinate frequently. (to remove sugar from the body), frequent wounds and slow healing of wounds, as well as feelings of fatigue.

Therefore, you should be careful not to let your body weight exceed the standard. Especially around the waist and should exercise regularly to maintain muscles so they can burn energy. This is so that there is no excess that has to be converted into fat and deposits in the liver and pancreas. (and other organs)

Column: Economics + Health

Dr. Suphawut Saichuea

Advisor to Phatra Research Institute

Kiatnakin Phatra Financial Business Group

#Eat #sweet #increase #aging #Suphawut #Saichuea

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