The Dangers of Taking Too Much Magnesium: Symptoms, Risks, and Solutions

by time news

2023-06-12 13:46:33

Fanatic athletes probably know all too well what benefits magnesium has for your body. This mineral is important for your bones, muscles and energy level, among other things. However, you have to be careful when taking magnesium supplements, because more is not always better. It is also possible to get too much magnesium. In this article we explain what the symptoms of a magnesium excess are, how dangerous it is and what you can do about it.

What is Magnesium?

Very briefly: magnesium is a mineral that your body needs to stay healthy. According to an article by Radboud University, magnesium is necessary for more than 600 (!) different functions in your body. It helps in the proper functioning of your brain, muscles and heart. In addition, it plays a role in the proper functioning of the transmission of nerve impulses.

We call magnesium an essential mineral because you cannot make it yourself. So you have to get it from food yourself. If this does not work, you can always supplement with magnesium.

Benefits of magnesium

All advantages at a glance:

  • It strengthens your muscles
  • It supports your bones
  • It is good for your memory and concentration
  • It activates your natural energy
  • It therefore helps with fatigue
  • It is important for your nervous system
  • It promotes the cell division process

    How much magnesium can you take?

    According to the Nutrition Center, the recommended daily amount (RDA) of magnesium is 300 milligrams for an adult woman. You can get this amount from normal food. Magnesium is in fact in whole grain cereal products, vegetables, nuts, milk and dairy products and meat.

    It doesn’t have to be very difficult to get your magnesium counter in the plus. For example, enjoy a tasty salad with spinach, nuts and seeds, some legumes and smoked salmon. Finish with a banana dessert or a piece of dark chocolate.

    magnesium supplements

    Afraid that you don’t get enough magnesium and do you often suffer from cramps in your muscles during exercise? Then taking magnesium supplements can help you. These contribute to the maintenance of strong, flexible muscles.

    But don’t just take some tablets. Magnesium supplements often contain much more magnesium than is good for you, according to research by the Consumers’ Association. More than two thirds of the 66 jars examined contain more magnesium than the acceptable upper limit. With diarrhea and other complaints as a result. From the effect and side effects to the correct dosage, read this before adding magnesium to your diet.

    Is too much magnesium harmful?

    Magnesium is also called the biggest powerhouse of the supplement world. But can you take too much magnesium?

    Yes, you already read it above. A magnesium surplus can arise in your body, resulting in annoying symptoms. Such a surplus of magnesium in your blood only arises if you take supplements. With more than 250 milligrams of magnesium extra per day – so in addition to the magnesium in your food – too much magnesium is already absorbed into your blood and you can already experience complaints.

    Problems with the heart, kidney or thyroid gland

    In the short term, taking too much magnesium is not dangerous in principle, provided you are otherwise healthy. On the other hand, it is possible with long-term intake malicious to have consequences. This is especially common in people with problems with their heart, kidneys or thyroid gland. They may suffer from magnesium intoxication, also known as magnesium poisoning. There is then an overdose of magnesium in the blood.

    Do you regularly experience problems with your heart? Even then you have to be careful when swallowing magnesium in connection with possible poisoning. If you suffer from magnesium intoxication, just stopping the supplement is not enough. So go straight to your doctor.

    What are the symptoms of too much magnesium?

    Fortunately, you can detect an excess of magnesium in time. There are several complaints that are linked to too much magnesium. For example, an excess of magnesium can cause palpitations, diarrhea and headaches. If you recognize yourself in the symptoms below, it may be time to sound the alarm. You may be taking the wrong supplements or you can easily adjust your diet.

    Here is a list of all the common side effects of an excess of magnesium:

    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Headache
    • Nausea
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle weakness
    • Palpitations
    • Thirst
    • Low blood pressure

      Too much magnesium, poor sleep

      It has been proven that too much magnesium in your system is bad for your sleep. That is quite strange, since the supplement is recommended for a bad night’s sleep. Balance is key in this case. In short: do you sleep badly? Then some extra magnesium can help, but … certainly do not take more than 600 mg per day and take the supplement two hours before bedtime for the best result.

      Magnesium deficiency

      Have you been experiencing cramps or muscle weakness lately? That should ring some alarm bells. Find out here if you have a magnesium deficiency.

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