The date for the national public competition tests agreed by the TSE – Superior Electoral Court has changed

by time news

oh Official Journal of the Union This Tuesday (16) publishes Notice No. 3/2024 of the United National Public Competition for Electoral Justice, which gives information about the change in the date of the tests, moved to December 8, 2024.

The change was already predicted when the new Presidency of the Supreme Electoral Courts (TSE) took office. The aim of the change of date is to give candidates more security and time to prepare for the tests, ensuring the time necessary to determine the results and guarantee a prompt appointment after the end of the competition.

Therefore, the new date for the tests had to be recalculated the deadline for the appointment of the successful candidates, which was scheduled for July 2025, one month after the release of the final results of the tests, which was scheduled for release in June 2025 Those deadlines came up. from the need for the organizers of the competition to finalize all the measures and stages of the competition, as well as formulating the changes as a result of the increase in the number of places initially offered.

The text published today makes some adjustments to the content of the program for some jobs. In June, the Upper Electoral Court already published the increase in the number of places offered in the competition.

Open for donations

The deadline for candidate registration is July 18 on the Cebraspe website, and the fee to apply for the position of judicial analyst is R$130.00 and R$85.00 for the position of judicial technician.

The candidate must pay the registration fee through the Union Collection Guide (GRU Cobrança), which is available on the Cebraspe website. The GRU Collection must be printed, in order to pay the registration fee, after completing the online registration form. The document can be paid at any bank and at lottery outlets and at the Post Office, subject to the criteria set by these bank correspondents.

Payment must be made through Pix using the QR Code presented by GRU Cobrança available at the email address.

Check more information about the registration procedures for the advertisement.

To date, 547 thousand pre-registrations have been made.

Distribution of vacancies

The 412 vacancies offered in the 2024 competition will be distributed among the staff of the following Electoral Courts:

  1. The Supreme Electoral Court;
  2. Acre Regional Electoral Court;
  3. Alagoas Regional Electoral Court;
  4. Amazonas Regional Electoral Court;
  5. Amapá Regional Electoral Court;
  6. Regional Electoral Court of Bahia;
  7. Ceara Regional Electoral Court;
  8. Federal District Regional Electoral Court;
  9. Regional Electoral Court of Espírito Santo;
  10. Regional Electoral Court of Goiás;
  11. Regional Electoral Court of Maranhão;
  12. Regional Electoral Court of Minas Gerais;
  13. Regional Electoral Court of Mato Grosso;
  14. Regional Electoral Court of Mato Grosso do Sul;
  15. Regional Electoral Court of Para;
  16. Paraíba Regional Electoral Court;
  17. Regional Electoral Court of Paraná;
  18. Regional Electoral Court of Pernambuco;
  19. Piaui Regional Electoral Court;
  20. Regional Electoral Court of Rio de Janeiro;
  21. Regional Electoral Court of Rio Grande do Norte;
  22. Regional Electoral Court of Rio Grande do Sul;
  23. Rondonia Regional Electoral Court;
  24. Roraima Regional Electoral Court;
  25. Regional Electoral Court of Santa Catarina;
  26. Sergipe Regional Electoral Court;
  27. Regional Electoral Court of São Paulo.

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