The daughter of the late Yuri Volkov: “I don’t believe the murder suspect’s request for forgiveness”

by time news

Lena and Daria Volkov, the widow and daughter of the late Yuri Volkov, who was murdered at a crossing in Holon, spoke this morning (Monday) with Anat Davidov and Gideon Oko on 103FM about the development in the investigation of the shocking murder and responded to the confession of the murder suspect Adi Mizrahi in the commission of the act – and his request for forgiveness: I don’t believe any of his sentences, words or body movements. Everything he says and does is written by his lawyer. She tells him what to do, he doesn’t say it himself.”

“We can’t believe you won’t come home”: Yuri Volkov who was stabbed to death in Holon was laid to rest
A significant turn in the investigation: Adi Mizrahi confessed to his investigation into the murder of Yuri Volkov

At the beginning of the conversation, Lena said that they were surprised by the number of people who came to the funeral of the late Yuri. “Very much. is very. We didn’t expect it. There were people we didn’t know, which, in fact, I saw for the first time yesterday.” She later said that when she heard that the suspect confessed to the murder, she shouted “Amen.” “It makes a big difference. is very. is very. My husband died for justice.”

Lena returned to that terrible evening and told how the events unfolded from her point of view: “We were passing through Holon to Bat Yam. We entered the road, I said to him, ‘You’re not okay, you’re completely stupid for doing this,’ and we crossed the road. I told Yuri, ‘Maybe I’ll take a picture of him, You go first, I’ll go to the children.'”

“I picked up the phone, took a picture to send to the police. I immediately felt that the man was wrong. I’ve never done this, I can’t understand, I don’t understand how I did it. He came back to me and said, ‘Give me a phone.’ I told him, ‘What Do you want me? Go away,’ and my husband left. Suddenly my husband came back and said to him, ‘What are you doing, get out of here,’ and he quickly stabbed him.”

He said yesterday that he thought you were taking pictures of his motorcycle, so he wanted to take your phone, he also apologized.
“No. What kind of forgiveness? Yuri is not the first person he killed. What kind of forgiveness? There is none.”

Daria, daughter of the late Yori, added: “I don’t believe in any of his sentences, any of his words, any of his body movements, I don’t believe in anything he says or does. Everything he says and does is thanks to his lawyer who tells him how to behave in front of all the people. He doesn’t say it himself.”

They said that it was important for them to come to court. “Terribly important, yes of course. We must go to trial, in order to stand up for ourselves and prove to the country that justice must be done, we must look him in the eyes and understand how evil this man was that he caused the death of an innocent man. Look him in the eyes, so that he remembers it All his life, what he did. I would like to tell him that he should rot in prison, never to see the light of day. He doesn’t deserve it, such a dangerous person to the public, he doesn’t deserve to see the light of day and endanger people’s lives.”

Daria, is it important for you to come to the court, maybe because you don’t trust the court?
“I’ll tell the truth, I don’t believe in the court. I’ve seen a lot of cases and a lot of discussions, I’ve read a lot, I’ve seen that a lot of really serious cases, get off easily, are swept under the rug. I expect that this case will not be swept under the surface, I expect that Ben Gvir will not come up either This case and this case will become a flagship case in the State of Israel and the Israel Police. To prevent more disasters for families who could have been in our place in this situation. Murder deserves a life sentence. Did you murder? You will pay, you will be in prison. There is nothing else.”

In conclusion, they thanked for the many donations and assistance they have received since the murder: “I simply thank everyone who helps us, who gives us financial and emotional support. We were surprised, we did not believe that it would come to this situation, for so many people, this whole situation. It caused a lot of progress, regarding For the case, that’s what I hope for at least. There is a link that appears on Facebook, there is the number that appears on Facebook – ‘Yuri Volkov’.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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