The daughter of the Rebbe of Dzikov-Vizhnitz and the granddaughter of the owner of Hamri Chaim died at the age of 80

by time news

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: In Jerusalem this evening (Sunday), at the age of 80, Rebbetzin Mrs. Minka Cheshin died.

The deceased was born in Hungary in the month of Av in the year 5771, to her father the Admor Rabbi Naftali Chaim Adler, the husband of the Imri Naftali Madzikov-Viznitz and to her mother Rebbetzin Hinda, the daughter of the husband of the Lord Imrei Chaim ‘Moiznitz ztl.

She suffered anguish and received it with love.

Widowed by her husband in a second marriage, the late Rabbi Mordechai Cheshin, the Rebbe of Kashoi, more than a decade ago.

The deceased is the sister of Rebbetzin Sheina Rachel of Slonim – the wife of the Rebbe of Slonim, the Rebbe of Israel Eliezer Adler of Dzikov-Jzenitz – who tomorrow married his granddaughter with the grandson of the Rosh Yeshivat Viznitz. Due to the death of his sister, he will not happily attend.

Another brother is the late Rabbi Mordechai Adler, rabbi of the Mincha Hadasha-Dzikov congregation in Boro Park, who was killed in a car accident on Tu B’Av 5769.

She left behind a blessed righteous generation: her daughter is the wife of the Rebbe of Zidichov, USA, her daughter is the wife of Rabbi Gedaliah Moshe Goldman, grandson of the Admor of Zvehil, her daughter is the wife of Rabbi Avraham Chaim Cheshin of Ashdod, and her daughter is the wife of Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Kahana of Beit Shemesh .

The funeral procession will depart tonight at 12:30 from the Shamgar Funeral Home in Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives where it will be buried.

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