“The day you will have to break up”: Subliminal in a song to his father who passed away two months ago

by time news

Subliminal (Kobi Shimoni) andOsher Cohen Released today (Monday) a moving and exciting song “Shomer Aleichem”, dedicated to the memory of the late Amos Shimoni, Shimoni’s father, who passed away last January. The song was written, composed and produced by Kobi Shimoni and Osher Cohen several months ago. Dad.The piece stemmed from a place of sadness, from the difficulty of parting from Dad.First, the poem was written from the point of view of the desert son to his father, and later the second verse written from the point of view of the talking father was added to his son.

“The song conveys an important message about the significance of each son’s relationship with his parents. One should love, help, appreciate and make them happy. Remember that not everything is obvious and the day will come when you will have to separate,” said Subliminal.

He added: “In adolescence we tend to think we know everything and often cause grief to our parents. When we become parents ourselves, we suddenly realize how much the children are our whole world and like our parents we will dedicate all our time and desire for endless love to our children. I miss my father very much. “In life he was no more important to him than the family. That’s how I was raised by him and I believe that if he had heard the song, he would have been very proud of this work that sanctifies the bond between father and son.”

Osher Cohen says: “How many times have you hugged your father for more than 5 seconds? How many times have you said to him ‘Dad, I love you’, ‘Dad thank you for everything’, ‘Dad you are the best there is’? You said but not much right? “On the other hand, how many times have you told him you know what you are doing, going wrong, even though he told you exactly where the danger is?”

“My father at the age of 12 washed stairs in buildings to buy a violin, and when I was that age he already made sure I had the newest keyboards to play with. It’s enough for me to understand it best in the world. So to my father Ilan I dedicate the song to you and you know The best father there is and without you I would not be where I am today for a second, I love you, “Cohen added.

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