The Deafening Silence of Muslim Organizations after Terrorist Attacks: Final Remarks

by time news

Title: The Deafening Silence of Muslim Organizations in the Face of Hamas Terror: A Cause for Concern

By Magnus Norell, researcher with a focus on terrorism and the Middle East

In a recent article discussing the concerning silence of Sweden’s largest Muslim organizations following the terrorist attacks on Israel, Rashid Musa attempted to divert attention away from the issue by resorting to “guilt by association”. Such a tactic, however, does not change the fact that these organizations have failed to acknowledge the brutal murders committed by Hamas in the name of Islam.

Musa’s satirical response claiming that there is no demand for a reaction from these organizations falls flat. In serious circles, it is only natural to expect a humane response to one of the worst mass murders of Jews since the Holocaust. The absurdity of Musa’s comment becomes even clearer when considering the number of Muslims who have openly expressed support for Hamas’s terror, potentially including members of the very organizations that have chosen to remain silent.

It is important to note that no one is demanding collective justice or holding these organizations responsible for Hamas’s actions. However, it is disconcerting to witness these same organizations vehemently expressing offense at seemingly minor incidents, such as the burning of a book or a disliked cartoon. They claim to represent all Muslims, yet in reality, most Muslims in Sweden are not affiliated with any Islamic organization at all.

Those of us who have extensively studied the Middle East know too well that anti-Semitism and hatred for Israel are rife in the region. It should come as no surprise that these values persist even when one crosses Sweden’s borders. Musa’s feeble attempt at satire only serves to reinforce the concerns for the future that have been expressed.

The question now arises: should Swedish aid continue to be provided to Palestinian organizations? Fredrik Malm from the Liberal Party believes that they have not distanced themselves sufficiently from Hamas terror, while Janine Alm Ericson from the Green Party argues that Hamas’s opponents in Palestine should be supported.

It is a complex issue that warrants further debate and consideration. However, the inaction of Sweden’s Muslim organizations in the face of Hamas terror raises legitimate concerns about where aid is being directed and how effectively it is utilized.

As we navigate these challenging times, it is crucial to prioritize open dialogue and constructive engagement in order to address the root causes of violence and extremism. Only then can we hope to pave a path towards a more peaceful and inclusive future.

READ MORE: I condemn everything from Hamas to hummus
READ MORE: The silence of Muslim organizations is telling
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