The death of Bar Falah: the force did not identify the terrorists

by time news

New details from the IDF’s initial investigation into the encounter at the Jalma checkpoint, from which it appears that despite the observations and the means for night vision – the force fired into the air but did not detect the hazards • The terrorists managed to surprise the force • However, the IDF provides complete backing to Brigadier General Menashe: “Act with courage”

New details from the investigation of the encounter at the Jalma checkpoint on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday were published last night (Thursday) in ‘Kan 11’.

From the investigation of the incident in which Major Bar Falah of the 14th was killed in an encounter between two terrorists, it appears that although two lookouts were in eye contact with the terrorists at all times, and despite the means of night vision that the fighters had – the force on the ground did not recognize the terrorists and fired into the air without being in eye contact with them.

More on the subject:

Exchange of fire in the Jenin area: two terrorists opened fire and were killed; An officer was killed

The officer who was killed in the exchange of fire: Major Bar Falah the 14th

Crowds escorted Bar Falah to rest: “The biggest nightmare has happened”

In the investigation it was stated that this is the reason the terrorist managed to surprise the force, which was composed of senior and skilled commanders – and led to the difficult result. In the investigation, tactical mistakes were noted in the force’s judgment in the operations. That’s why the IDF gives complete backing to Major General Menashe: “Act with courage and charge at the head of the force.”

The two terrorists who were killed by Nahal forces are Ahmad Ayman Ibrahim Abed, a 21-year-old resident of Kfar Dan, and Abd al-Rahman Hani Abed. Ayman is a member of the Palestinian security apparatus. According to Palestinian sources, he enlisted in the apparatus a short time ago and worked in the ranks of Palestinian military intelligence. A short time After the incident, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades published a statement in which they took responsibility for the encounter.

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