The death of your pet is just as painful as that of a loved one

by time news

The death of your pet is just as painful as that of a loved one. lose a loved one is a pretty tough experience especially because the death It still represents a mystery to many people.

A few weeks ago, the story of a Chihuahua dog what was it victim of assaultwhich put his life at risk. Pinkyhe puppyI lived in Nayarit, Mexico.

Some thieves They entered your home and he tried to defend his family of the thugs; but unfortunately the ruffians did not tempt their hearts and they pierced his tiny body with a garden fork.

The doctors who attended him commented: “One of the spikes of the fork went through from the spine to a testicle, and another of them went through the entire leg”.

Despite the serious injuries who had the puppyhis owners took him to a veterinary hospital and managed to save his life. Unfortunately, after 5 weeks of fighting for your life, Pinkie passed away.

Its owners created a facebook page to inform about its health conditionand right there they gave the sad news of his departure. “We regret to inform you that 2 days ago our Pinky lost the battle. After 5 weeks of fighting for his recovery and when he showed more improvement, he left this world ”.

The comments did not wait, including: “you were a little warrioralways We will carry you in our hearts”“your love was greater than the body you had on earth”and many other comments admiring his bravery.

What to do after the death of a pet

Los feelings that occur when we lose a loved one It is what is known as “duel”, that is, the experience of losing someone, either because passed away or maybe because you broke relations with that person. It is a process that is generally made up of four phases, however, these may vary from person to person:


It is one of the first phases of the processwhich is when the person undergoing this procedure cannot yet face the losswhich is why he opposes believing that that is so, this as a defense method to avoid the impact of news like this. And although there is no predetermined time for each phase, the denial is one of the harshest, because it prevents people from seeing the reality.


This phase may or may not occur during the duelsince depending on the level of pain that causes us the losswe can cope with it better when we use emotions totally different from the sadnesswhich is what a person “commonly” normally feels when they lose someone.


After finding ourselves in a state of angeris when we make the real sadnessbut in a form of frustrationsince we recognize with regret that this person will no longer return.


The acceptance It is a stage that, depending on the personais slow in coming, and we must all reach it in due time, for it is always a good time to go aheadalthough they exist relapsesthe best thing is to try advancewhich is why it is highly recommended that, after going through the previous stages, we focus our energy and thoughts on ourselves.

After this type of process, we could say that our life runs smoothly, though according to experts from Mayo Clinic, the symptoms of grief gradually begin to disappear, however, there is something known as duel complicated where, the phases instead of decreasing, increase and intensify, for which it is necessary to go to a specialist.

What does it mean when your pet dies?

Since ancient times, the pets have been the companions of humansand even today, there are indications to believe that having one can be quite beneficial for our health, since, currently, medicine has resorted to animals such as dogs to carry out therapies for pain or stress, such as some studies have shown.

Because the pets They provide us with an innumerable amount of positive effectslas personas we have adapted to us as a member more of our familybecause it has participation in all stages of our lives, like when we are children and they give us the ability to develop a emotional link with someone, and that, as we grow older, make it easier for us to transition to adult life to become a emotional support.

We can see this represented on some occasions, when some children con difficulties for to relatehaving a pet they become more people happy and with greater trustFor example, I considered myself a rather serious person, and sometimes even shy, however, when my kitten arrived, I began to feel happier, which is reflected in me and my social environment.

This is why it is so difficult for us to accept the loss of our petssince, moreover, feelings as the sadnessson emotions natural of the Humansand if we add to that the fact that very rarely personas can put themselves in our shoes to understand the duel who lives for one petthat can complicate the process.

How to know if your pet is your spirit guide

It is possible that you pet be you spiritual guide if he gives you one feeling of peace and deep connection, and if you feel that there is something beyond his physical presence in your life. here are some signs that your pet could be serving as your spirit guide:

You feel emotionally connected to your pet and you feel that she understands you without the need for words.

Tu pet gives you comfort and support in moments of sadness, anxiety or stress, and helps you recover your emotional balance.

You feel that your pet is present in your life for a reason, and that she is here to teach you something important about yourself or the world.

You feel guided by your petand you feel that she is helping you make important decisions or overcome obstacles in your life.

your pet has a calming presence in your lifeand you feel that their unconditional love is helping you connect with a greater spiritual force.

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A pet becomes our family very easily, because they are beings that offer us a unconditional love and without expecting anything in return, which is why losing it is very difficult, however, it is important to remember that there is no one more unconditional than ourselves, which is why it is essential love each other y love each otherbut above all take care of ourselves much, much physical, as emotionally.

With information from Teresa Montero.

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