the death toll of the bombing of a building in Dnipro rises to at least 35 dead and more than 70 injured

by time news

Cover image: In Dnipro, on January 16, 2023, on the site of the building destroyed on January 14. Rafael Yaghobzadeh for “The World”

  • The bombing of a building in Dnipro on Saturday killed at least 35 people, according to a latest report released Monday by the Ukrainian authorities. “Thirty-nine people were saved, 75 were injured”added on social networks the regional governor of Dnipropetrovsk, Valentyn Reznichenko.
  • “To date, the fate of more than thirty people who may have been in the building when the missile was fired remains unknown”, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his daily video update on Sunday evening. He assured that “the rescue operation will last[it] as long as there is the slightest chance of saving lives”.
  • In Kherson, premises where representatives of the Red Cross work were hit by an attack, announced the deputy head of the cabinet of the presidency, Sunday afternoon on Telegram. ” The bombardment caused a serious fire (…). There is no information on the number of victims », I explained Kyrylo Tymochenko.
  • Belarus said the air military exercises with Russia starting on Monday were “defensive nature”, pour « prepare of potential combat situations, according to the Department of Defense. The announcement comes amid growing concerns that Moscow is pushing Minsk to join the offensive in Ukraine.
  • Ukraine can expect heavy weapons deliveries ” in the near future “, Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), told the German daily on Sunday. Handelsblatt. On Saturday, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a commitment to supply Challenger 2 tanks.
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that the military campaign in Ukraine followed a “positive momentum” after the announcement of the capture of the city of Soledar, in eastern Ukraine, still denied by kyiv.
  • According to Ukraine, the town of Soledar is not yet fully in Russian hands. In any case, this is what the Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense continues to affirm on Sunday evening on Telegram, declaring that the Ukrainian troops continue to secure their positions there. “Put simply, the battle continues”selon Hanna Maliar.

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