The decline of private initiative: half the population would advise a young person to be a civil servant

by time news

2023-06-30 02:49:10

Updated Friday, June 30, 2023 – 02:49

A Funcas survey reveals that only 13% recommend being an entrepreneur. In addition, about 50% believe that corporate taxes are ‘high’

Demonstration of Justice officials held this week in Madrid.EFE

half the population of Spain would recommend a young person who works for the Public Administration. That he is an official. And only 13% would tell you that he is a businessman, an entrepreneur, that he participates in the private initiative.

This is the result of a survey carried out by Funcas within the framework of an investigation into Spanish business, and to which EL MUNDO has had access. In addition to the figures already noted, the responses are completed with 20% who would advise a young person to be an employee; 7% who would recommend being self-employed; and the remaining 13% are not sure or opt for another option.

It is noteworthy that the proportion of interviewees who reveal a professional preference for the Public Service doesexceeds the result of adding all the answers that refer to employment in the private sector, explain Elisa Chuli and Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Funcas researchers and those responsible for the work.

This widespread recommendation to join the Civil Service could be interpreted against the background of a world that, especially since the beginning of this decade, is perceived as increasingly uncertain in almost all areas of life. In this environment of uncertainty, the Public Function provides stability and also offers shorter working hours, which makes them more compatible with other tasks and with a rising value, the availability of more free time, affect their analysis.

And to close this chapter, they provide the following reflection: These data force us to consider a worrying question: a society that transfers to its young people in such a massive way the preference to work in the Public Administrations may be forgetting that the income to pay these civil servants depend decisively on which companies and workers in the private sector generate enough wealth.

The survey, which was carried out on a sample of 1,373 interviewees representative of the population aged 18 or over residing in Spain in mid-June, also addresses business taxation. And the result is that almost half of the population also believes that the taxes paid by companies are high, while an additional 20% considers that they are adequate.

It could be thought that this distribution of opinions is influenced by media coverage that has mostly highlighted the high level of taxes paid by companies in Spain, say the researchers, who recall the recent debate that broke out on corporate taxation after the departure of Ferrovial. towards the Netherlands and also before the new taxes on banking and energy.

In short, they wonder if the headlines and information created a climate of opinion. However, the closest survey in time that we have found with a comparable question, conducted in 1996, returns surprisingly similar data to those obtained in June 2023, they expose.

This precedent does not allow us to affirm the stability of Spanish public opinion during the last decades regarding the tax pressure on companies, but it does doubt that the percentages that the survey has shown result from a recent change in the climate of opinion, he concludes. And the result of the survey shows, unequivocally, that for the majority of the Spanish adult populationcompanies comply with their fiscal responsibility, paying taxes qualified as adequate, high or very high.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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