The Dehumanization of Gaza: Urgent Call for a Ceasefire to Save Millions

by time news

“The Entire Population of Gaza is Dehumanised,” Warns UN Commissioner General

The UN commissioner general for the main agency in Palestine has issued a stark warning to the UN security council, stating that the entire population of Gaza is becoming “dehumanised.” Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), called for an immediate ceasefire, stating that it has become a matter of life and death for millions of people in Gaza.

Lazzarini was one of three speakers who detailed the devastating impact of the conflict on Gaza, urging the Security Council to put aside its divisions and support a humanitarian ceasefire. The speakers highlighted the breakdown in civil order, loss of clean water, and a high death rate among children.

The United Arab Emirates called for the debate to build on the momentum from the recent UN General Assembly vote, which called for a humanitarian truce. The resolution was seen as a way to pressure superpowers to abandon their arguments against a ceasefire. Previous draft resolutions on the crisis have been vetoed by Russia or the US, but efforts are being made by the elected members of the Security Council to frame a resolution that the permanent members would feel compelled to adopt.

Lazzarini accused Israel of “collective punishment” and forcing the displacement of Gazans from the north to the south of the territory. He revealed that more than 8,000 Palestinians, including 64 UNRWA staff, have been killed in Israel’s attack. He shared the heartbreaking story of a UN worker and his family who were killed just hours before the meeting.

“The entire Gaza Strip is relying on my UNRWA colleagues as their only glimmer of hope. But they are running out of basic necessities like fuel, water, food, and medicine. Soon, they will be unable to operate,” said Lazzarini.

A proposed security council resolution, if passed, would be legally binding. However, Russia and the US remain far apart, with Russia demanding a full ceasefire that the US has previously rejected.

The UAE ambassador warned that if the Security Council ignores the will of the majority of the world, as expressed through the General Assembly’s vote, it may break altogether. She highlighted the attacks on healthcare facilities in Gaza, stating that they are protected by international law and that warnings before attacks do not change their protected status.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador, expressed support for humanitarian pauses to evacuate hostages, foreign citizens, and civilians safely. Lazzarini emphasized that no place is safe in Gaza and that a further breakdown of civil order would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to deliver more aid.

“The people of Gaza feel abandoned. They feel like the world is equating them all to Hamas. This is dangerous because an entire population is being dehumanised. The atrocities of Hamas do not absolve Israel from its obligations under international humanitarian law. Every war has rules, and this one is no exception,” he stated.

A senior UN aid official also called for multiple entry points into Gaza to deliver aid. Currently, Kerem Shalom, controlled by Israel, is the only crossing equipped to handle a sufficient number of trucks. Aid trucks have been arriving from Egypt via Rafah, the main crossing not bordering Israel, but more entry points are needed.

The UN agencies are pressuring the Security Council to take immediate action to protect the people of Gaza and bring an end to the escalating conflict.

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