The delinquency rate drops to 3.79%, the lowest in fourteen years

by time news

Facade of a bank / R. C.

It is slightly reduced compared to August and falls half a percentage point compared to the end of last year

Amparo Road

The delinquency rate continues to hold up at very moderate figures. In fact, in September it registered the lowest level in that month in almost fourteen years. At the end of September, non-performing loans supported by the Spanish financial system as a whole reached 46,325 million euros, which represents a non-performing loan rate of 3.79%, lower than that registered the previous month and which continues the downward path that It has continued practically in almost every month of the year, except in August and for the minimum. 3.79% is the lowest rate since December 2008, when it was 3.37% in December. The doubtful debt rate ended last year at 4.29%, so in the first nine months of the year it has fallen by half a percentage point and by 6,223 million euros, according to provisional data from the Bank of Spain. The rises in interest rates and, specifically, in the Euribor, are not worsening punctual payment of credits for the moment. In the banking sector they have verified that, as long as unemployment does not increase, the loans are paid. Gone are the times when the delinquency rate reached double digits, as in 2014 when it reached a record of 13.78%.

The joint credit portfolio of all financial entities fell in September to 1,223 billion euros, slightly below the 1,225 billion in August, specifically 1,596 million euros less than the previous month, but 9,972 million more if compared to the September 2021 volume.

The volume of doubtful loans, which are considered as such after three consecutive months of default, in September was 46,325 million euros, 1.93% less than in August and 12.30% less than in September 2021, when reached 52,825 million euros.

The figures include the methodological change in the classification of Financial Credit Institutions (EFC), which since January 2014 are no longer considered within the category of credit institutions. Without including the change, delinquency would stand at 3.88% in September, since the credit balance was 1.191 trillion euros in that month, excluding the EFC credit.

The data broken down by type of entity reflect that the doubtful ratio of deposit institutions as a whole (banks, savings banks and cooperatives) closed September at 3.70%, below the 3.77% of the previous month and 4.29 % of a year earlier.

The delinquency of financial credit establishments (EFC) -entities that mainly grant financing to buy cars, furniture, televisions and other consumer goods- stood at 6.29% in the ninth month of the year, compared to 6.30 % of August and 6.51% of September last year.

According to data from the Bank of Spain, the provisions of all credit institutions fell to 32,738 million euros in September, with a decrease of 253 million in the month and 6,224 million euros in the year.

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