“The Democratic Party’s Expectations from the American President on Biden-Netanyahu Relations”

by time news

After the US President’s criticism of the Israeli government regarding legal reform legislation, tensions have risen and members of the Democratic Party have called for a change in American policy towards the “new far-right government in Israel.” Jamal Bowman, a member of the United States House of Representatives, along with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and others, signed a letter to President Biden demanding immediate action against the Netanyahu government, which they believe is pushing for anti-democratic policies and escalating violence against the Palestinian population. The letter also calls for an investigation into the use of American weapons for human rights violations and urges Israel’s leaders to find a compromise for broad popular support. Biden has made it clear that he is worried and will not be inviting Netanyahu to the White House in the near future. Netanyahu responded by stating that Israel is an independent country that makes its decisions based on the will of its citizens, not external pressures.

Relationship crisis? After the harsh criticism voiced by the President of the United States, Joe Bidentowards the Israeli government, in the shadow of the legal reform legislation, and the reaction of the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahumembers of the Democratic Party pressured the president to “make a change in American policy” towards the “new far-right government in Israel”, according to the report in the weekly “Newsweek”.

According to the report, the letter was written by Jamal Bowman, serving as a member of the United States House of Representatives from the 16th district of the state of New York, in which he demanded that the president “act immediately” against the Netanyahu government, whose cabinet members are “pushing for anti-democratic policies and escalating violence against the Palestinian population.” So far, nine others have signed the letter, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Corey Bush, Summer Lee, Andre Carson, Betty McCollum and Bernie Sanders, which is trying to garner more support for the letter.

Government meeting (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)

Government meeting (Photo: Mark Israel Salem)

In addition, Jamal Bowman noted in the letter the legal reform that the Netanyahu government wants to promote, and wrote that “this move will threaten the rights of all Israeli citizens, allow greater corruption of the Prime Minister, and open the way for further annexation of Palestinian lands.” The members of Congress who signed called on President Biden to ensure that taxpayer funds “will not support the illegal settlements project, and that all future US aid to Israel will not be used to support a gross violation of human rights.” The members of the Democratic Party who signed the letter also requested an investigation, in order to To see if there was no use of American weapons for human rights violations, according to the “Arms Export Control and Foreign Aid Act”.

“We call for immediate action to prevent further loss of Israeli and Palestinian lives, only by protecting democracy, human rights, and only by self-determination for all Palestinians and Israelis can we achieve sustainable peace,” it added. Bowman noted that “the longer we wait to take action, the further away the two-state solution becomes. Democratic societies are strengthened by real checks and balances, and fundamental changes must only be made by a broad base of support. We strongly urge Israel’s leaders to find a compromise as soon as possible, based on for broad popular support”.

The protest against the legal reform on Ayalon Road (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

The protest against the legal reform on Ayalon Road (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

Last night, the US president referred to the turbulent days in Israel until Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s announcement on the delay of the legislation, saying that “like many devout supporters of Israel – I am very worried. They can’t go on this way. I have made it quite clear.” In addition, he clarified that he does not intend to invite Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to the White House in Washington in the near future.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Biden’s words, saying: “I have known President Biden for over 40 years and I appreciate his many years of commitment to Israel. The alliance between Israel and the United States is strong and it always overcomes the differences of opinion that appear between us from time to time.” He also added: “The government led by me is committed to strengthening democracy by restoring the proper balance between the three authorities, which we strive to achieve with broad agreement. Israel is an independent country that makes its decisions according to the will of its citizens and not based on external pressures, including our best friends.”

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