The Desafío Ártico 2023 team returns, fulfilling its goal of sending an iceberg to Spain | Environmental News

by time news

2023-08-01 10:03:53

This weekend the team of the VIII edition of the expedition returned to Spain “Arctic Challenge: Operation Iceberg”. A polar exploration which has been carried out from July 12 to 28 in Greenland and which has been led, like every edition, by the explorer from Malaga Manuel Calvo in which he has traveled 592 kilometers with a group of adolescents who have overcome cancer in recognition of their fight and spirit of improvement.

In addition, and as a great challenge that the team set itself and has achieved, from Greenland they have put heading to Spain a real iceberg for raise awareness of the effects of climate change.

The expedition, sponsored by the Malaga Provincial Council together with the Dingonatura Foundation, has managed for another year to make an adventure on the west coast of Greenland a reality to document in detail the effects of climate change that so much affects this area of ​​the Earth and thus raise awareness about the problems they create in the ecosystem, its inhabitants and the flora and fauna found there. In addition to documenting the area and collecting biological samples that will be sent to different institutions that will carry out their scientific analysis to continue investigating how weather changes affect the area, all the adventure and exploration of the team in the Arctic will be shown in the Documentary film “Arctic Challenge – Operation Iceberg”.

An iceberg that is now heading to Malaga

“Arctic Challenge: Operation Iceberg”, with the aim of creating awareness with the greatest possible impact, in its eighth edition has managed to move an authentic iceberg of more than 15,000 kilos from Greenland to the very coast of Malaga that will arrive at the beginning of September.

The purpose is that everyone can contemplate with their own eyes how impressive, how pure and how extraordinary this piece of nature offers us: a treasure that can now be seen threatened by global warming. After the expedition has obtained the export license from the Greenland Government for the iceberg for scientific study, it is making its way through the sea in a container at 22ºC below zero until it disembarks in Spain.

In this way, Desafío Ártico will emulate actions such as that of the scientific organization Arctic Basecamp —which placed an iceberg in the Clyde River in Glasgow during the 2026 Climate Summit— or those of the Danish artist Olafur Eliason together with the geologist Minik Rosing, —who made the same in the cities of Copenhagen, London and Paris—: all of them with the aim of making the world population aware of the terrible consequences of climate change, achieving in each case the recognition of the most prestigious environmental organizations in the world.

592 kilometers traveled to see how the Arctic disappears due to climate change

The explorer team has traveled a total of 320 nautical miles (592 kilometers) in an inflatable boat in this edition, overcoming adverse weather conditions of cold, fog and rain every day through the fjords of southern Greenland. On some occasions, they were collapsed by the amount of floating ice, forcing the expedition to recalculate the planned route with the consequent hours of delay. In total, the Qoroq, Tasermiut and Caleraliq glaciers have been explored in depth.

As in each edition, they have had the support and sympathy of the Inuit people in all the places they have visited and have received their support to carry out Operation Iceberg. The testimonies that the team has collected from the inhabitants of this area of ​​Greenland confirm the need and urgency of this type of awareness-raising actions for the rest of the world: the arctic melts. The consequences of climate change are already here.

The Dingonatura Foundation and the Malaga Provincial Council will offset the carbon footprint of the trip with a tree reforestation. From the same landing, the team is already working on the ninth edition of Arctic Challenge: “Operation Inuit”.

A great adventure with a solidary goal

“Arctic Challenge” is also an educational project framed within the “Dingonatura Impacta” program to promote the education of children and young people about the responsible animal ownership company and awareness about the environmental Protection. In operation since 2015, it already has more than 300 schools visited throughout Spain, organizing educational workshops where students attend presentations on responsible ownership and respect for animals, projection of videos on explorations against the background of dog culture and awareness exercises. about the consequences of climate change.

For Manuel Calvo Villena, president of MaratónDog and leader of the exploration “Challenge
Arctic”: “Checking in situ the disappearance of an ancient glacial front in less than five years has been devastating. The graphic evidence is there and anyone can verify the reality of climate change and what this planet is suffering. The objective of Desafío Ártico to raise awareness about the consequences of climate change with this year’s evidence could not be more forceful: all the evidence of what the Arctic was like before and after, bringing an iceberg to Spain so that from here they can see what soon it will be hard to find even at the North Pole

In addition, Manuel has added: “promote the adventurous spirit among young people and learn from the ability to overcome this group of kids who have learned Inuit culture and art, who have slept in a tent on a glacier, changing camp day by day, each one moving 20 kilos of luggage and all without a mobile phone… Despite all the adversities, we have had enough energy and enthusiasm to overcome this challenge, setting the iceberg on course for Spain and ready to prepare for next year’s edition now”.

Press contact: Gabriel Sánchez 91 577 45 54

#Desafío #Ártico #team #returns #fulfilling #goal #sending #iceberg #Spain #Environmental #News

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