The destructive underpinnings of the social debate on euthanasia, part 1/3: the engine of progressive ideology

by time news

TRIBUNE/OPINION – Mr. Olivier Rey, professor of philosophy at Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne, recently observed in the columns of the Figaro what ” the more the crisis worsens, the more new rights must be invented, in order to give the impression that we continue against all odds to move forward, ʺto go in the right directionʺ” (1).

The engine of this inventive obsession is progressivismwhich, in what is called the West, is the dynamics of modernity. This, according to the Dictionary of the French Academyexpresses the search « of a new spirit, of new tastes”of which “responds to the desires, the expectations of the moment”.

Progress, thus reduced to what is new and desirable Here and now, is abstracted from any reference to good or evil. There modernityIn effect, is based philosophically and historically on nominalism. This denies the existence of natures common to men.

There is therefore for him neither true nor lasting good capable of being measured by human nature, nor transcendent reference elsewhere than in legal positivism. The true, the good, are only what the laws or the media say about it, or what each person’s subjectivism gives them a glimpse of.

Men, scattered individuals, are therefore united only by the meeting of their interests and their desires, which modernity makes a point of spurring on relentlessly, before consecrating the successive satisfactions of them by law.

To fortify this empire of the ephemeral and of desire, progressive ideology, served by a multitude of lobbies, imposes, in the name of modernity, what Richard Millet called a “angelic totalitarianism”what others call a “totalitarianism mou”.

Strengthened by the millennial vocation that it has attributed to itself, which barely conceals, behind the mask of ” politically correct “, its struggle to the death against what remains of Judeo-Christian civilisation, this ideology has turned into a war machine. It conceals its violence under a permanent moralism and under the conventional language of benevolence, tolerance, sentimentality or living together.

This war machine disqualifies and destroys what is presumed « vieux », “cheesy”, “reactionary” : language, writing, education, history, families, people, identities and mores. It tends to crush all those who, focusing on what concerns the vital transmission of societies, are presented as the only causes of the social ills that it itself provokes.

” At the same time “, it imposes, including through the violence of the law, uprooted models of substitution. What is named “gay marriage” is not the least example of it; THE wokisme is another. These models are proclaimed necessary by the simple fact that they fit into a new vision of man and of the world.

In what the progressisme of today is nothing but the transformism of yesterday. Both confuse constructive evolution and destruction (2), except that today’s progressivism, exploiting the collapse of Christianity, meets virtually no limits, to carry its destruction to the heart of humanity itself.

The progressive ideology therefore anchors in people’s minds, through the powerful public instruments at its disposal, institutional and media, that there is salvation only in its own movement, which is justified by itself, and therefore in a permanent headlong rush towards new “releases”without which “we are not moving forward”.

These are no longer limited to emancipation from Christianity by reason, but from reason itself by the imperatives of insatiable desires. This explains, in particular, the increasingly marked emergence of psychopathic politicians who seem to prefer chaos to any questioning of their suicidal marches.

The promotion of euthanasia is part of this strategy (part 2/3 to follow).

Notes :

(1) O. Rey, “Abortion in the Constitution, euthanasia… The more the crises worsen, the more progressivism invents rights”, FigaroVox16 mars 2023.

(2) “True evolution is progress, not retreat. It is an act of edification, not of destruction. It involves a certain increase, a certain expansion and a vital renovation. It excludes what is damaging, what depreciates, demolishes, dissolves. In other words, it excludes deadly transformation, which destroys vital elements under the pretext of replacing them with artificial novelties, as the false reformers have always tried to do. (J. G. Arintero, Development and vitality of the Churcha, Madrid 1974, t. 1, organic evolutionpp. 1 ss.

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