The detailed Roadmap of “Battle Strike 2” will be announced during the reveal event! | XFastest News

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“Battle Strike 2” earlier on the official PlayOverwatch’s Youtube channel, held the “Fighting Strike 2” reveal event, in addition to reconfirming the official free launch on October 4, also announced more new news , which contains details of the upcoming Roadmap and more changes to BATTLE 2.

Before talking about Roadmap first, one important point to note is that the next 9 weeks will be a quarter, and all updates will start from October 4th, and the second quarter will be December 6th. day starts. Some of the confirmed content updates can be seen in the Roadmap, and the game pass system that comes with the move to free-to-play for Blitzkrieg 2 is entirely to be expected.

There is also a special and worth looking forward part of this announcement, that is, in the character modeling part, the option of color customization will be added under some modeling, so that players can show their personal preferences in modeling to a greater extent.

The PvE plot content that players will look forward to will not be released until 2023. However, according to the current information, PvE can not only bring players to know more about the heroes of the special attack, but also PvE can be played by multiple people. Players will You can explore more worlds of Douzheng Special Attack with your friends.

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