the detention of an American journalist by Moscow is deemed “totally illegal” by Joe Biden

by time news

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23h50 : Russian hackers are connecting to private security cameras of cafes in Ukraine to collect information on aid convoys, said the director of the cybersecurity division at the American National Security Agency (NSA).

22h55 : Moscow adapts its legislation for the new recruitment campaign. From now on, invitations can be sent electronically, and no longer just delivered by hand. It is therefore now impossible to ignore a summons, notes Le Monde (article reserved for subscribers).

17h57 : US intelligence has raised doubts about a potential Ukrainian counter-offensive that could only get “modest territorial gains” against Russian forces, according to a leaked classified document, reports the Washington Post (article in English). The document was made public during the online leak of many other classified documents, revealed Thursday by thee New York Times.

17h01 : The arrest, by Russia, of the American journalist Evan Gershkovich “crosses the line”, according to Joe Biden. His arrest, which took place on March 30, is “completely illegal” assures the American president. This journalist from Wall Street Journal is accused of espionage by the Russian security services. An accusation that his media and himself reject “categorically”.

15h31 : The Russian deputies voted a bill allowing to send electronic mobilization orders. The measure should facilitate enlistment in the army, in a context of offensive in Ukraine. Mobilization orders were previously handed over from hand to hand.

14h18 : As kyiv prepares a counter-offensive, Russia reinforces its defenses in the regions it has conquered in Ukraine. But a peaceful resistance is organized in the occupied territories. Their actions are coordinated by a movement born in Kherson, in the south of the country, a little over a year ago: Yellow Ribbon, or “Yellow Ribbon”. Their two founders, Taras and Ivan (these are pseudonyms), received the Sakharov Prize from the European Union in December 2022. franceinfo was able to meet one of them.

12h39 : “Ukrainian security services and their Western bosses have launched an aggressive ideological and recruitment campaign targeting our citizens, especially the younger generation” said, according to a statement, Alexander Bortnikov at a meeting of the Russian Anti-Terrorism Committee.

12h43 : The head of the Russian security service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, accuses Ukraine and the West of trying to incite the Russians to sabotage and armed rebellion, against the backdrop of an offensive in Ukraine.

12h01 : A Western decision on a possible donation of combat aircraft to Ukraine is possible “before summer”. Discussions take time as countries need to act together, but a decision is still achievable “short term”says the Danish Minister, Troels Lund Poulsen, during a visit to Ukraine.

09h26 : The Pentagon is still trying to find out if the documents are indeed authentic. At least one of them seemed to have been manipulated. In any case, the leak prompted American officials to reassure their allies, such as South Korea, which provided humanitarian and non-lethal aid to Ukraine after the start of the Russian invasion of the country in 2022.

09h24 : Leak of classified US intelligence documents continues to cause trouble. During a telephone call, however, the American and South Korean defense ministers estimated that“a significant number of the documents in question have been falsified”. Follow our live.

08h54 : On Telegram, Volodymyr Zelensky gives some details on the latest prisoner exchange that has just taken place with Russia. On the Ukrainian side, it is 100 soldiers, “80 men and 20 women”. Among them are defenders of the Azovstal factory in Mariupol.

07h33 : Friendly Canada ???????? . A country among the first to stand by #Ukraine. Meetings with @JustinTrudeau and @cafreeland coming up. We are preparing new agreements and deals to strengthen the macro-financial and economic stability of ????????. We are working for victory.

07h54 : Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Prime Minister has just landed in Canada. Objective of this official trip: “to prepare new agreements to strengthen the macro-financial and economic stability of Ukraine”wrote Denys Chmyhal on Twitter, when he got off the plane.

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