The Development of Cancer in the Body: Gender Disparities and Risk Factors

by time news

2023-09-23 05:21:00
This is how cancer develops in the body – one gender is more commonly affected

The designation “Krebs” includes a variety of diseases. What they have in common is that the body’s own cells multiply uncontrollably, resulting in a malignant tumor tumor picture. This destroys healthy tissue, so that the body’s functions can no longer function optimally. Cancer can affect very different organs or parts of the body and should never be taken lightly. Here you can find out how many people are affected by the disease, what happens fundamentally on a physical level and which factors have a carcinogenic effect.

Men are more commonly affected by cancer than women

The Robert Koch Institute’s current database on cancer in Germany is based on records from 2016: This year, a total of 492.000 diagnosed with various cancers. The increasing aging of society as a whole suggests that the number of cases will rise to around 2020 510,000 increased could be. However, the number does not describe new cases, but only the total number of diagnosed cancers. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the higher number does not necessarily mean that more people are getting cancer, but rather that people are simply getting older in general and therefore a higher number of cancer sufferers is noted. This can be explained primarily by the data collected by the German Cancer Research Center in 2018: “only” around 2,000 people fell ill in Germany that year 498,000 people new to cancer.

Good news: Many types of cancer will have one positive development the disease is registered. The reason for this is the rapidly advancing cancer research. Many new therapy methods are being researched and brought to market, so new, life-saving innovations can also be expected in the future. In recent years, new approaches have meant that cancer can often be diagnosed more quickly and more precisely and therefore a higher probability of recovery can be expected.

According to available data, the most common cancers affect the mammary gland, prostate, colon and lung. However, the disease should definitely not be underestimated: according to the German Cancer Research Center Around 220,000 people die every year from cancer. Men are affected slightly more often than women.

Prevent cancer: These factors can promote cancer

There are various factors, which influence normal cells to turn into cancer cells. One reason is Damage to the genetic material of the cells. These can arise accidentally due to an error in normal cell metabolism or in completely natural cell division.

However, damage to the genetic material of the cells can also be caused by the own lifestyle caused. Smoking, an unhealthy diet, little exercise and being very overweight as well as frequent alcohol consumption are all risk factors. They increase your chances of getting cancer.

In total are the hereditary dispositions but rarely the reason for cancer: according to research, only around 5 percent of diagnoses can be traced back to this. However, there are some genes that can make certain types of cancer more likely to develop. However, the main causes are usually other cancer pathogens and factors.

Carcinogens: 8 new risk factors discovered

First of all: Not everyone who is exposed to carcinogens automatically develops cancer. The risk of cancer is always individually consider. However, many of the factors can be actively avoided, so that the risk of developing cancer can at least be reduced. Research is constantly discovering new factors are considered risk factors: The US Department of Health and Human Services expanded the list to include eight additional factors in December 2021.

Overall, the list of cancer pathogens now includes a whole 256 different factors. Environmental factors such as Chemicals or Viruses play a role here, but also X-rays, radioactive radiation or some Groceries (ingredients) as well as alcoholic drinks.

Newly added the bacterium Helicobacter pylori: An infection manifests itself in the form of stomach ulcers or discomfort. To prevent cancer, it should be treated as quickly as possible. A further risk factor was that contained in flame retardants Antimontrioxid added to the list. The substance is mainly found in plastics or textiles. To reduce the risk of cancer, the use of the drug should be avoided if possible. The other six new risk factors are all haloacetic acids, that have carcinogenic potential. The haloacetic acids are partly created as a byproduct of the disinfection of our normal drinking water. Consequently, corresponding changes and innovations will be required in this area in the future. The potentially carcinogenic haloacetic acids include bromochloroacetic acid, bromodichloroacetic acid, chlorodibromoacetic acid, dibromoacetic acid, dichloroacetic acid and tribromoacetic acid.

Tumor or carcinoma: that’s the difference

What a tumor is called depends on the type of cell from which it arises. A fundamental distinction must be made between tumors and carcinomas.

Cells of origin for tumors are often located in glandular, muscle, connective or supporting tissue. Tumors can be either benign or malignant. You can often tell from the name whether it is one malignant or benign tumor. In contrast to benign tumors, malignant tumors grow into healthy tissue and form metastases. They usually have the ending “-sarcoma”. Examples of this are osteosarcoma from the bone cells or fibrosarcoma from the connective tissue cells. The corresponding benign counterparts are called osteoma and fibroma. If tumors arise from different cells, they are so-called Mixed tumors.

Carcinoma is a type of tumor: This is a malignant tumor from the gland cells. What is important is that carcinomas discovered as quickly as possible so that treatment can begin as early as possible. Warning signs of malignant cancer include swelling, hardening or lumps on the skin, unexplained pain, changes in the skin or unusual bleeding. If you notice inexplicable changes of this kind in yourself, you should definitely do so have it checked by a doctor to avoid something worse.

Cancer: This is how carcinomas develop

The term “carcinoma” comes from the Greek name “karkinos”, which translates to “cancer.” The cells from which carcinomas develop come from glandular tissue. Carcinomas are the malignant counterpart to adenomas, which also arise from the Glandular tissue form. Approximately 70 percent of all malignant tumors are carcinomas.

Cancer basically arises from… change healthy body cells. They become tumor cells. Carcinomas grow quickly and expand, penetrate blood vessels and can form metastases. Surrounding tissue is destroyed by the carcinomas. The malignant course of the expansion is also known in the medical field as malignancy.

Treatment methods In the case of carcinomas, on the one hand, surgical removal, radiation and chemotherapy or, if discovered very early, superficial removal. However, there is always something Risk of recurrence.]
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