the diaspora contributes to poverty reduction – Congo Indépendant

by time news

2023-06-22 14:16:16

According to the World Bank, the Congolese diaspora sent 1.7 billion dollars to the country in 2022, which represents 15% of the state budget for that year. Who is who in this Congolese community abroad?

Gaston Mutamba Permission

The Congolese diaspora is one of the largest diasporas in Africa. It is estimated at around 16 million people. In the absence of an official census, the exact number of Congolese abroad is not known. The Congolese diaspora is made up of men and women who, for one reason or another, have left their country to try their luck elsewhere. The trend of emigration increased from the 1980s onwards due to poor political and economic governance as well as armed conflicts. Later, their ranks grew with first and second generation descendants. Among them are legal immigrants as well as undocumented migrants. There are students who did not return home once they graduated. There are former diplomats, civil servants, teachers, doctors, nurses, workers, scientists, traders, soldiers, religious, pastors of revivalist churches, musicians, sportsmen, etc. Congolese from the diaspora find themselves either unemployed or working odd jobs or moonlighting. They are employed in construction and public works, snacks, hairdressing, security, sports, music. Some – there is no rule without exception – assume “responsibilities” in public administration. Others, in the banks, the police and the army of the host country. Without forgetting the medical world (doctor, nurse, caregiver). They send funds to meet the needs of families back home (schooling, marriage, death, medical care, etc.). There are also direct transfers from second-hand clothing as well as small equipment, second-hand vehicles and various goods used for informal economic activities. Investment in large community or economic development projects is rather rare. The Congolese in the diaspora acquired the know-how during their stay abroad. They had new experiences and discovered new horizons. Their talents can be useful for the country. In Sub-Saharan Africa remittances from migrants reached 53 billion dollars in 2022. The 10 largest destinations are, in addition to Congo-Kinshasa, Nigeria (20.1 billion), Ghana (4.7 billion), Kenya (4.1 billion), Zimbabwe (3.1 billion), Senegal (2.5 billion) Sudan (1.5 billion), Uganda (1.3 billion), Mali (1.1 billion) and South Africa (0.9 billion). Sending fees average 8% on a $200 transfer. These figures were compiled from sums that passed through official channels such as banks, Western Union, Money gram, etc. In reality, remittances are more important if we take into account informal circuits such as private carriers (the migrant himself, his family or a friend), religious missions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The World Bank’s June 13 Migration and Development Brief reports that migrant remittances in 2022 worldwide amounted to $647 billion. The report states that “workers’ remittances are of increasing importance to countries and households; they are indeed a resilient source of external financing, especially in low- and middle-income countries that have accumulated large external debts. According to the World Bank, the top five recipients of these remittances in 2022 were India ($111 billion), Mexico ($61 billion), China ($51 billion), the Philippines ($38 billion) and Pakistan (30 billion). The countries in which the weight of migration remittances as a percentage of GDP is particularly high are Tajikistan (51% of GDP), Tonga (44%), Lebanon (36%), Samoa (34%) and the Kyrgyz Republic (31%). This demonstrates the importance of the funds’ contribution to financing current account and public finance deficits.

Gaston Mutamba Permission



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#diaspora #contributes #poverty #reduction #Congo #Indépendant

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