The difficulties in forming the government: the difficult conversation between Smotrich and Netanyahu

by time news

On the way to forming a government: Benjamin Netanyahu wanted very much to inaugurate a new government with the inauguration of the Knesset, but his future coalition partners are not making life easy for him. Negotiations with religious Zionism are completely stalled following the dispute with Bezalel Smotrich over the security portfolio. Immediately after the Knesset swearing-in events ended last night (Tuesday), Netanyahu met with the chairman of religious Zionism with the aim of reaching an understanding, but the meeting ended without an agreement.

According to a publication by the political commentator of News 12, Amit Segal, during the meeting an exchange of accusations developed between the two. Netanyahu told Smotrich: “Don’t forget that thanks to me you united with Ben Gabir and you have 14 mandates.” In response to his words, the religious Zionist chairman told the Likud chairman: “Don’t forget that thanks to me, Silman left the coalition, followed by Auerbach, and thanks to my opposition, the partnership with Ra’am became illegitimate.”

Netanyahu with Smotritz and Deri Photo: Oliver Fitosi Flash 90

Click on Smotrich: Significant progress in contacts between Likud and Otzma Yehudit

As I remember, the two personalities worked in full cooperation to overthrow the Bennet-Lapid government, but when it comes to establishing a new government, things got a little stuck. Smotrich, who had a big part in the overthrow of the government, demanded from the first moment one of the two major portfolios of Treasury and Defense, but Deri’s decision to take the Ministry of Finance played the cards.

Although Netanyahu postponed all of the coalition meetings planned for today with the Gush partnership, during the day Netanyahu met with Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri and Otzma Yehudit Chairman Itamar Ben Gabir in order to reach agreements. At the end of the meeting with Ben Gabir, the Likud announced Because there is significant progress between the two sides.

Galit Distal on the delay in forming the government: “Netanyahu sees things from a bird’s eye view”

Member of Knesset Galit Distel of the Likud tried to explain today (Wednesday) in the GLC about the disputes with Smotrich. “In my opinion, this is not only a war over Jobim but really about a worldview,” said Distel, adding: “The older Netanyahu is responsible in this story , he sees things from a bird’s eye view that the leaders of the factions do not see.”

Senior members of Knesset in Likud are not satisfied that Netanyahu wants to bring the former ambassador of Israel to the United States, Ron Dermer, to the Foreign Ministry. Distel stood behind the Likud chairman on this issue as well: “Netanyahu brought this victory with blood, sweat and tears. If he thinks that Dermer should be brought in for the position of foreign minister, who was a valued ambassador, then he probably knows what to do.”

Galit Distal Atabrian

Galit Distal Atabrian Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Regarding the security situation and the three murdered in yesterday’s combined attack in the industrial area of ​​Ariel, she said: “Without a doubt, the burden of proof is on us, we made many promises during the past year. We need a very profound change in perception, especially with regard to the citizens’ perception of security, this cannot be Zabang and we’re done,” she clarified.

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