The Digital Kit, a great opportunity for your business

by time news

2023-07-10 12:00:30

The technological transition has advanced to such an extent that, today, we could be talking about a revolution. As a result, businesses that don’t jump on the new communication pathways will be outdated. However, you should know that there is an important solution, and it is the Kit Digital.

This aid program is granted by the Government of Spain directly with European funds. They are aimed at small businesses (also micro-businesses) and the self-employed. The objective is that they incorporate emerging solutions and other more consolidated ones, such as web pages, social networks or artificial intelligence.

Kit Digital

Do you know what you can use these grants for? Current fashion involves speaking the language of the new generations, something that is only possible from the internet. The utilities are very diverse, and they all go through the creation of a cyber space for your companies. If you are not sure where to start, we will explain it to you.

The different options are linked to what the Government considers most decisive in digitization. But there are other purposes that you should explore (as long as their suitability is justified). There are organizations that are even betting on the virtual reality or the big datajust like the architecture of cybersecurity and networks.

Website design

One of the fundamental goals is to provide help to your companies in the creation of a web page. Currently, it is vitally important to have an adequate presence online. More and more customers are looking for information about products and services on the internet before making a purchase.

It provides several very interesting functionalities to design an attractive and functional platform. In its catalog, you will find tutorials, templates and design methods. Likewise, you will have the necessary advice and technical support. With all this, you will ensure that your page meets the required quality standards.

Carrying out digital audits

Another purpose is to help your organizations to perform a digital audit. This process allows you to evaluate your presence on the Internet and detect possible areas for improvement to optimize your performance in the environment. online. For this, it is essential that you hire a specialist in this field.

Obviously, you will have at your disposal various useful resources to analyze your use of technology. You will be able to evaluate your level of competitiveness in the market and detect possible problems in marketing. In any case, you will have advice and technical support to help you implement the necessary improvements.

Social media management

This area has special relevance, since it is the basis of current communications. But it is essential that you use it effectively, always keeping in mind that it is a different channel from the conventional ones. With these reasons, you will understand that the subsidies will help you hire specialists.

The key is to reach a wide audience and enhance visibility on the networks. The granted capital gives access to very useful tools, such as content creators online. The same is true for cloud account management and results analysis. Do not forget that the RR. H.H. give a feedback quality, with metrics such as conversion rate or impact.

improvements in the ecommerce

Another purpose is related to the possibility of improving the electronic commerce of your companies. In recent years (particularly after the pandemic), it has become a fundamental part of the digital economy. Thanks to e-commerce, you will be able to reach a wider audience and sell your products more successfully.

The money received in these grants can be used for the integration of different secure payment platforms or to the optimization of the purchasing process. The same is true of improving the user experience, which is linked to another of the purposes of these grants. You can even hire specialized technical advice for greater profitability.

campaigns of email marketing

After the restrictions imposed by the current legislation on data protection, this practice has lost strength. But it is still essential to generate interaction with the customers you already have and increase sales. Use some of your grant money to design campaigns that really make an impact.

Also, you will have the option of segment the audience and generate attractive content for emails. He feedback It is very important, so you can base your decision-making on the measurement of results. There are different professional tools that you should hire in this regard, such as email managers.

Electronic bill

The self-employed are obliged to carry out the procedures before the Administration electronically. This question is of vital importance for entrepreneurs. Consequently, the electronic invoice is gaining weight by facilitating its preparation and saving costs. After all, it would have to be digitized for declarations, if necessary.

Among the objectives of the Kit Digital for this task, figure adopting software specialized accountant. You can also hire a tax consultancy specialized in new technologies or acquire a means of reception online of documents. The latter helps to ensure traceability in records and security.


Cyber ​​security is one of the biggest concerns in today’s era, and it is probably shared by many of you. Fortunately, there are tools and resources that help you protect yourself against this growing threat. In fact, following the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, cyberattacks have grown rapidly.

In this case, the focus of the aid is on the acquisition of adequate antivirus for your companies. It is important that you have professionals to carry out audits and prevent malware. It is convenient to allocate capital to the training and awareness of employees. These last two aspects, as you can imagine, are essential.

As we have shown, the Kit Digital represents an ideal opportunity. We are so excited about the possibilities it offers, that we could not stop showing them to you. From TICNegocios we want you to start studying the application options and think about how your organizations will change. Join the trends!

#Digital #Kit #great #opportunity #business

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