the digital minister draws up a roadmap for 2023

by time news
Jean-Noël Barrot, minister of digital and telecoms to the wishes of Arcep, December 14. E.B

Invited to the telecommunications regulator’s New Year’s Eve ceremony, Jean-Noël Barrot took advantage of the microphone to send a few messages to the sector.

The wishes of the telecom authority (Arcep) are an appointment eagerly awaited by the sector. Wednesday’s ceremony – just before the FIFA World Cup semi-final – was no exception. Jean-Noël Barrot, the Minister Delegate in charge of digital and telecoms, took the opportunity to draw up a roadmap for 2023. Two points were particularly commented on: the necessary establishment of a universal telecom service and the access to very high speed for all.

Since 2021, there is no longer universal service (SU) in telecoms. The service was provided by Orange, a legacy of the France Telecom era, with a fixed telephony subscription at 17.96 euros per month. Jean-Noël Barrot would like the “They are» is put back in place as soon as «the first half of 2023 and if possible, the first quarter“. If he did not set a tariff or access condition, he laid down a basis “Internet access at 30 megabits/s“. What immediately trigger a wave of questions among the operators present. “Why 30 megabits/s? With 8, all basic services, including video conferencing, are accessible”, we slip at Bouygues Telecom. And who is going to pay, ask the operators in their hearts. The discussions promise to be lively.

Another point, more consensual this one, mentioned by the minister: the possibility of using technologies other than fiber to bring very high speed to everyone in France. A change in tone from the 100% fiber doctrine. Concretely, in the most complex cases, isolated areas, other technologies may be used. Satellite, but also the use of 4G and eventually 5G, to provide very high-speed Internet access. This service called “fixed wirelessallows you to create a WiFi network from a 4G or 5G access point. Operators already offer such solutions to some of their customers: the 4G Box at Bouygues Telecom, the 4G Home at Orange or the 4G + Box at SFR.

The president of Arcep with speckled foil

For her part, Laure de La Raudière, the president of Arcep, sent a very clear message to Orange: “The national commercial closure of the copper network planned by Orange in 2026 assumes that the trajectory of deployments is consistent with this deadline. And currently, we can have doubts: again, everyone must assume their responsibilities. Allow me to insist on this point. We cannot want to close the copper network and stop the deployment of fiber in the AMII zone or in very dense areas“. For several weeks, the president of Arcep has criticized the incumbent for having eased off in certain sectors, while at the same time, it is working to close its copper network.

For its part, Orange is preparing its weapons and does not rule out attacking the regulator on two technical points. On the one hand, the calculation of the unbundling tariffs, corresponding to the sums paid by the other operators to Orange to use the copper network and therefore to market ADSL services. On the other hand, Orange intends to assert its property rights over its civil engineering (poles, buried networks). Christel Heydemann, at the head of Orange since April, intends to show that she defends the interests of the company up to the highest level. And hit back.

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