The Disappearance of China’s Foreign Minister Reveals Xi Jinping’s Secretive Regime

by time news

Title: China’s Disappearing Foreign Minister Sheds Light on Xi Jinping’s Regime

Summary: The sudden disappearance of China’s Foreign Minister, Qin Gang, for over 26 days with no official explanation highlights the increasing secrecy of Xi Jinping’s regime. The lack of transparency not only affects China internally but also raises concerns for foreign governments and entities engaging with the Chinese government. Speculations about Qin’s whereabouts and the reasons behind his absence have led to heightened intrigue and suspicion, as the truth remains elusive. This article explores the implications of China’s growing secrecy and its impact on international relations.

Main Body:

In most countries, the sudden disappearance of a top government official for an extended period without any explanation would be unthinkable. However, in China, where President Xi Jinping’s regime has become increasingly secretive, this scenario has become a disconcerting reality. Qin Gang, a close confidant of Xi and a rising star in the diplomatic ranks, has not been seen in public since June 25. His absence has raised numerous questions about the true nature of the Chinese government’s operations and the lack of transparency in its official statements.

China’s foreign ministry initially attributed Qin’s absence to a “physical condition” during a news conference on July 11. However, this explanation mysteriously disappeared from the ministry’s official transcript of the conference. When confronted with reports of Qin’s alleged extramarital affair with a Chinese reporter while serving as the ambassador to Washington, the ministry spokesperson evaded the question and provided no information on the matter.

The ambiguity surrounding Qin’s whereabouts only deepened when China’s new ambassador to Washington, Xie Feng, refused to confirm if Qin would meet with Henry Kissinger during the latter’s visit to Beijing. Xie redirected inquiries about Qin back to the foreign ministry’s non-answer, further fueling speculation.

While observers within the U.S. government have engaged in extensive speculation and conjecture, concrete information about Qin’s situation remains scarce. Initial assumptions that Qin may have contracted COVID-19 were quickly dispelled, as his absence has surpassed the typical duration of the illness. Some U.S. officials believe the allegations of Qin’s extramarital affair may hold weight but lack confirmation. They also suggest that Qin may have fallen victim to internal power struggles and infighting within China’s leadership, known for its cutthroat dynamics.

One senior U.S. official revealed, “Qin has a huge number of enemies inside the government. He was a marginally talented person who, just through being close with Xi, catapulted up.”

Reports suggest that envy over Qin’s rapid rise within the Chinese government may have fueled opposition from his rivals. An anecdote circulating is that Qin’s wife gifted homemade mooncakes to Xi’s wife, which granted Qin entry into Xi’s inner social circle. This connection led to his elevation as foreign minister and his appointment as a member of the Politburo and state councilor. Qin’s predecessor, Wang Yi, who now heads the CCP’s Central Committee Foreign Affairs Commission, is perceived as his chief rival. Wang did meet with Kissinger during the latter’s recent visit, adding to the intrigue surrounding Qin’s disappearance.

Critics speculate on the motives behind the release of information regarding Qin’s alleged affair and question who benefits from its dissemination. Wang Yi emerges as a likely candidate. However, amidst the uncertainty, the Chinese government has not provided any explanation to the Biden administration regarding Qin’s absence. The lack of transparency has dissuaded the administration from pressing for answers, as they doubt the veracity of any information the CCP might divulge. This opacity echoes Xi’s previous unexplained disappearances during the pandemic, further eroding trust and raising concerns about the Chinese government’s activities.

Qin’s case extends beyond the personal implications for one individual. It unveils a larger issue of decreasing transparency in Xi’s government. Beijing has become increasingly reticent, suppressing the release of vital economic and financial data required by businesses and governments. The Chinese government’s concealment of crucial COVID-19-related information and its persecution of journalists and academics who share unsanctioned truths are indicators of a deeper trend toward opacity.

Moreover, China seeks to export this culture of secrecy and unaccountability to international organizations and countries under its influence. By pressing others to accept extreme secrecy as the new normal in governance, China undermines global norms of transparency and open government, replacing them with concealment and opacity.

While the fate of Qin Gang may ultimately be inconsequential, Xi’s unwillingness to provide a clear explanation compounds the risks associated with engaging with China at any level. The growing secrecy in the CCP’s operations and limited access to information threatens not only China’s internal affairs but also international relations, trade, and diplomacy.

In conclusion, Qin Gang’s bewildering disappearance exposes the secretive nature of President Xi Jinping’s regime. China’s lack of transparency extends beyond officials and their personal scandals. It pervades crucial aspects, such as economic data, military transparency, and information-sharing. As China exports this culture of secrecy, it erodes global norms of transparency and accountability, leading to potential risks in international relations. The world now waits to witness Xi’s response when one of his trusted allies encounters trouble—a response that may reveal China’s true intentions and pose further challenges for the global community.

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