The discovery of a strange phenomenon on the edge of the solar system

by time news Scientists have discovered a strange and “scary” phenomenon, with the celebration of Halloween approaching, that occurs at the edge of the solar system, in what is known as the edge of the heliosphere, and scientists have found that the edge of the solar system heliospherewhich is the boundary between the heliosphere and interstellar space, undulates and creates tilt angles in an unexpected way.

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The general concept that the edge of the heliosphere changes shape is not new, as over the past decade, scientists have suggested that it is not fixed, and made this discovery using data from the “Voyager 1” and “Voyager 2” missions, which are the only two spacecraft They’ve come out of the heliosphere so far, as well as NASA’s IBEX satellite, which studies emissions of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), which arise when the solar wind and the interstellar medium interact.

“The Voyager spacecraft provides the only direct measurement of the locations of this boundary, but only at a single point in space and time,” Eric Zirnstein, an astrophysicist at Princeton University, wrote in an email to Vice. IBEX helps approximate that data.

Scientists used the data to create models that predict how the edge of the heliosphere will change. In short, the solar wind and the interstellar medium push and pull each other to create an ever-moving boundary. But recent research around the edge of the heliosphere has revealed data that contradict previous findings.

Vice magazine explained that over the course of several months in 2014,

The IBEX satellite captured the brightness of the emission of active neutral atoms (ENAs), which indicated an asymmetry at the edge of the heliosphere, and the team later realized that these asymmetries were inconsistent with models.

Moreover, when reviewing data from the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 flights, scientists discovered that the edge of the heliosphere changed dramatically in a very short period of time.

This helps explain why there is a large gap between the two probes’ entrances in interstellar space, which happened in 2012 and 2018, respectively.

In a research paper published October 10 in Nature Astronomy, the scientists described these findings as “intriguing and controversial.”

Zirnstein said they plan to continue studying the edge of the heliosphere, hoping to gain more knowledge from NASA’s Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP), a new and improved satellite that can detect antinuclear antibodies, which is due to launch in 2025.

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Source: “Al-Wafd”

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