The discovery of the first multi-planet system closest to Earth

by time news

As for the second planet, it revolves around the star once every 5.7 days, and its size is 1.5 times larger compared to Earth, according to the newspaper "The Independent" British.

This system is not viable due to the planetary orbit around the star at a very short distance, which makes them exposed to high temperatures, which prevents liquid water from remaining on their surface.

On the importance of the discovery, Michelle Kunimoto, a researcher at the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, said: "There may be more planets to discover within this system, as many multi-planet systems have five or six and this is especially common around young stars.".

Kunimoto added: "Our discovery will contribute to the study of the atmosphere, the possible presence of traces of carbon, the radial velocity of the star and the gravity to which it is subjected.".

It is worth noting that astronomers have so far discovered more than 5,000 planets outside the solar system, orbiting distant suns.


Scientists named the system HD 260655, and considered it the closest known system so far to our planet.

The system has two planets revolving around the star “M dwarf”, the first is equivalent to 1.2 times the size of the Earth, and revolves around the star once every 2.8 days.

As for the second planet, it revolves around the star once every 5.7 days, and its size is 1.5 times larger compared to the Earth, according to the British newspaper, The Independent.

This system is not viable due to the planetary orbit around the star at a very short distance, which makes them exposed to high temperatures, which prevents liquid water from remaining on their surface.

On the importance of the discovery, Michelle Kunimoto, a researcher at the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, said: “There may be more planets to discover within this system, as many multi-planetary systems have five or six planets and this is especially common around stars. small”.

“Our discovery will contribute to the study of the atmosphere, the possibility of signs of carbon, the radial velocity of the star and the gravity to which it is exposed,” Kunimoto added.

It is worth noting that astronomers have so far discovered more than 5,000 planets outside the solar system, orbiting distant suns.

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