The disease of the 21st century – diabetes

by time news

Diabetes – what really causes it?

When talking about diabetes mellitus First you need to understand that there are two different types of the disease: type 1 and type 2. In most cases we see that type 1 belongs more to children and people born with the disease. On the other hand, type 2 is already a completely different world. It is also true in this case that genetics has a great influence, but beyond that, our lifestyle also has a great influence. Many studies indicate that there is a direct connection between obesity and the disease. In addition, lack of physical activity also affects the disease and our ability to maintain the balance within it. In fact, the goal of anyone with diabetes is to manage to maintain blood sugar balance, and it is very important to understand that there are different ways to do this.

Is there a connection between the modern lifestyle and the increase in the percentage of patients?

The answer is an unequivocal yes. Today more and more people suffer from diabetes and this is not by chance. The modern lifestyle is very stressful and does not leave us time for physical activity. Many people spend long hours in front of the computer without moving at all, which negatively affects their condition. In addition, the obesity that is attacking the entire world has a clear impact on health and dealing with diabetes, so this is another significant figure.

How do you really keep your sugar levels balanced?

The goal of every person suffering from a disease like diabetes should be to maintain the balance of blood sugar. As mentioned, today there are many studies being conducted in this field, and this does not happen by chance. The reason for this is that it is indeed a disease that is becoming more and more common. In most cases, in the various fields of medicine, resources are invested mainly when it comes to a disease that many suffer from, and this is exactly what happens in the case of diabetes. When we come to try and understand how a diabetic person can maintain balance, we see that there are different options, such as for example: insulin consumption. However, this is not the natural method. To consume insulin is to be dependent on a certain substance, and it is not certain that this is the only option. In fact, when you look at things in depth, you find that there are also many actions that the patient can take to take care of himself and to be balanced without insulin consumption. Physical activity is important and so is a diet menu that takes the disease into account.

The importance of measuring sugar regularly

Until years ago, and until the research on diabetes appeared, patients did not really understand the importance of measuring sugar. Although they were used to the sugar measurements that were always done to them as part of receiving the various medical treatments, in practice, they did not measure sugar alone. It is important to understand: diabetes is a disease that requires us to always have our hand on the pulse. This means, first of all, that every person who has diabetes needs to know what their condition really is. Neglect will inevitably lead to damage to health and worsening of the situation. On the other hand, monitoring the sugar level every day can keep the patient in a state of control. He will be able to detect any change and will be able to see immediately when he is out of balance. Therefore it is not surprising that today more and more people suffering from this disease have become accustomed to measuring sugar several times a day.

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