The Disturbing Truth: Allegations of Sexual Harassment in Israeli Sports Revealed by Prominent Female Athletes

by time news

In a shocking revelation, several prominent female athletes in Israel have come forward with allegations of severe sexual harassment they experienced from coaches and senior administrators over the years. The investigation, titled “Go to the Attack”, was part of the program “Real Time” and aired on Thursday evening.

One of the athletes, Yufa, who represented Israel in three Olympics and was a former champion in artistic swimming, recounted her traumatic experiences. She spoke about a sports psychologist and masseuse who made her feel uncomfortable during their sessions. Yufa shared that the masseuse would stay in the room while she removed her clothes, and the harassment escalated from there. She described instances where the masseuse massaged her chest, touched her inappropriately, and made her feel ashamed and helpless.

Yufa also revealed that even when she resisted, the coach would force her to return to the treatments, citing the scholarship she received as a reason why she had to comply. This created a fear of being kicked out, as making it to the Olympics was her dream. Yufa expressed her feelings of being silenced and continued to be hurt, and how it affected her mental state.

Another athlete, Levian, shared her personal incident involving coach Yaron Zaks. She described Zaks as someone who would enter the locker rooms in his underwear and touch the athletes inappropriately. Levian recalled instances where Zaks would touch her while driving and stop in front of her house to do whatever he wanted. She expressed feeling frozen and unable to speak or shout during those encounters, leading to feelings of guilt and silence.

Liane Vitkin, a triathlon and mountain biking competitor, also spoke about her personal case involving coach Uri Zilberman. Vitkin described a close relationship with Zilberman, where she trusted him with personal matters. However, one night, Zilberman came to her room and lay down behind her without her consent. She froze, pretending to be asleep, feeling unsure about what to do. This traumatic experience changed Vitkin’s life and led to depression.

The brave athletes who came forward with these allegations emphasize the importance of breaking the silence around sexual harassment in Israeli sports. Their experiences shed light on the dark side of the industry and call for stricter measures to ensure the safety and well-being of athletes. It is crucial for the authorities to investigate these allegations thoroughly and take appropriate action against the individuals involved.

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