The disunity of the far right and the right in view of the legislative elections

by time news

At the end of the presidential election, the beaten right is preparing for the legislative elections. The National Rally (RN), which obtained 41.5% of the votes in the second round, Sunday April 24, is reluctant to make any alliance with the Reconquest! camp, played by Eric Zemmour, whose score rose to 7% in the first round.

A few minutes after the announcement of Emmanuel Macron’s victory, Mr. Zemmour took the floor to call for the building of a “coalition of rights and patriots” bringing together the candidates of the RN, Reconquête!, Debout la France and the Republicans who have turned their backs on Mr. Macron. The mayor of Perpignan, Louis Aliot (RN), violently attacked the former editorialist of the Figaro : “Let him deflate his head and stop insulting people. »

Marion Maréchal, who joined Mr. Zemmour’s team in March, also called for such a union of right-wing and far-right forces. “The challenge is that Emmanuel Macron does not have full powers for the next five years”, she said at the microphone of RTL. With “unnecessarily hurtful attacks” during the election campaign, however, Mr. Zemmour “closed the door to all alliances”, a estimated the deputy of the North Sébastien Chenu (RN).

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative 2022: the National Rally wants to “deflate the head” of Zemmour

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