The ‘divine’ tragedy of the genocide of the Canaanites around -1550

by time news

2023-10-04 15:26:31

The Vatican’s authorization to persecute the Barundi, assimilating them to the last lost tribe of “Cham” discovered in the African Great Lakes.

Gitega, 04/10/2023 – In the TRC Burundi report, we can see that Burundi was affected by the Vatican’s involvement in the colonial enterprise. In fact, it is from 1879 [1] what white missionary fathers of the French Mgr Lavigerie arrived at Ithe kingdom of Burundi, the land of Ubungoma, of Ubuntuin order to monopolize the sacred -amatongo- of the Barundia practice that the Catholic Church had already undertaken since the 15th century among our Native American cousins ​​in America.

The Barundi, the last tribe of Cham…

By observing that – Kingdom of Burundi – (l’état traditional des Burundi) was a very organized society and difficult to conquer militarily, some missionaries associated the Barundi with the last tribe of “Cham” (that’s to say survivors of the Canaanite genocide) that they claimed to have found hidden in the African Great Lakes, at the sources of the Nile.

Thus, according to certain scholars among the missionaries, at Ingoma Y’Uburundi, they would have discovered the “Chamites”, that is to say these black Egyptians who had fled the various annexations of the white peoples in black Egypt, whom the Israelites had designated in their Bible [2] like the children of “Cham”.
“Cham” is a name taken from a story from the Abrahamic sacred texts, notably the Bible of the Israelites (Hebrew Bible), the Bible of the Romans (called Bibles of Christians, Catholics, Protestants, etc.) and the Koran (considered to be the Bible of the Arabs, taken from the Bible of the Sabeans). »

In the Abrahamic scriptures, one of Noah’s sons, “Ham”, was cursed – this is called the curse of Ham – due to his indecent behavior towards his father, Noah. This curse justifies, in the Bible of the Israelites, divine wrath and explains the massacre or genocide of the descendants of “Ham”, who were the black populations inhabiting Canaan.

From the Christian era, this story helped to propagate negrophobia throughout the world to the present day. The “Septuagint” associated this curse with “Ham” by asserting that his descendants were the Canaanites. Indeed, the ancestors of the Israelites (notably the Hyksos) led a campaign of massacres from -1550, causing ethnic cleansing among the Canaanites, who constituted the people of Canaan, an Egyptian colony which welcomed the Hyksos. At this time, both Egypt and Canaan were inhabited by black populations.

The genocide of the Canaanites from -1550…

In ancient times, Canaan was an Egyptian colony where black citizens lived, as was the case in Egypt at that time. The Hyksos, a Semitic people originating from present-day regions of Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey, invaded Egypt around 1630 [3].

Then, around -1550, after the expulsion of the Hyksos from Lower Egypt (the northern part of present-day Egypt) by the pharaoh Yamasee (Senakhtenrê Iâhmes, alias Senakehetenre Yamese), they took refuge en masse in Canaan, transforming the region into a cosmopolitan city. This expulsion became the event known as the “Exodus of Israel” in the Bible of the Israelites.

This exodus is described by Manetho, who states that 480,000 Hyksos were expelled from Avaris (Egypt) to Palestine (Canaan). Subsequently, once settled and welcomed in Canaan, the Hyksos carried out ethnic cleansing against the Canaanites, which allowed them to conquer Canaan and make it their private property. They are also credited with the creation of Jerusalem, as Manetho mentions. Today, Jerusalem is a holy place for Semitic peoples.

The link between the Egyptians and the Barundi

The Anou (see Abantu), descendants of the peoples of the Great Lakes (like the Abarundi, etc.), were the first to come into contact with “White” peoples who attacked them around -3200 BCE. In ancient Egyptian history, they can be spotted on the Narmer palette. These white peoples traveled from Mesopotamia to ancient Egypt, known as Kemet.

When the “white people” arrived in Ingoma y’Uburundi, after a warm welcome of two years to understand their intentions, the Barundi of Mwezi Gisabo Gisonga treated them the same way Narmer treated “the white people” on the palette . It was this treatment that was observed by white missionaries, allowing them to establish a link between the Barundi and ancient Egypt, labeling the Barundi as “the last tribe of Cham”, meaning that they were to be eliminated in name of the “God” of the Bible of the Romans (see Bible of the Israelites).

From 1881, hostilities began because the Whites had come to seize the sacred matongo of the Barundi.

The ethnicization of the Barundi

It was the missionaries (see the Vatican) who created the Bahutu and Batutsi ethnic categories among the Barundi. Although these social distinctions previously existed to designate socio-economic actors within Burundian society, they became other sociological realities constructed in the 20th century during colonization as part of the Western geopolitical project stated previously. Unfortunately, they were later used as instruments in genocides [4] perpetrated against Burundi and the Barundi, notably in Ingoma y’UBurundi, the traditional state of the Barundi which has become Burundi today.

[1] Colonial War Vatican – Germany against iNGoMa Y’uBuRuNDi / BuRuNDi: The battles from 1879 to 1903 – battles-from-1879-to-1903/
[2] Burundi / Africa: The Bible of the Romans responsible for negrophobia in the world – the world/
[3] It was from this date -1630 that the “whitening” of North Africa began. Because after the Hyksos, will come the Persians (Daryus), the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs, the Turks… until today.
[4] The Regicide Genocide of Burundi –

Sources: Nahimana P., Wednesday October 4, 2023 | Images: Deutsh Ost Afrika; ; Reproduction in a work by Gaston Maspero and Agnes Johns, 1914;

#divine #tragedy #genocide #Canaanites

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