The doctor called the reasons for the more tolerant attitude of women to ailments | News | News

by time news

Women are more tolerant of pain and malaise than men, since the latter are more often prone to bad habits from an early age. This was announced on Wednesday, February 23, by Andrey Tyazhelnikov, chief specialist in health care for the adult population of the Moscow Health Department.

“It is believed that men somewhat exaggerate the severity of their condition when they are sick. Often it even becomes the subject of light banter over the stronger sex. This is explained by the fact that women are by nature more enduring and more tolerant of pain and ailments. This is partly true, ”the specialist said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to him, this circumstance is due to the fact that the female body is set up for childbearing and is more protected by the action of hormones. In this regard, as the doctor clarified, women of childbearing age are less likely to have strokes and heart attacks.

In addition, as Tyazhelnikov said, there are a number of studies, according to the conclusions of which the woman’s immunity more actively attacks pathogenic microbes. So, they are easier to cope with viral infections and tolerate temperature.

“In addition, a greater percentage of men from an early age are prone to bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol. It also weakens the body. Well, one more fact – men, despite the fact that they are more difficult to tolerate the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, seek medical help less often, pay less attention to timely medical examinations, as a result of which complications are more often recorded in them. Therefore, my advice to the stronger sex is to pay more attention to health and its prevention, ”concluded the doctor.

Earlier, in March 2021, it became known that about 50% of men in Russia believe that it is better for women not to work. More than half of men (55%) consider motherhood and keeping the hearth as the main role of a woman. Most often, this point of view was expressed by the North Caucasus and the Volga Federal District (64% each).

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