The doctor’s biting lines ended in a blunder? A woman from Šiauliai shares the story of how her child ended up in intensive care

by times news cr

The doctor appeared rude

Brigita applied to Šiauliai doctors on August 17. in the morning The daughter had a fever on the third day, and at night she developed wheezing while breathing and a barking cough.

“We rush to the reception department of the clinic for women and children, the child is apathetic, does not eat, does not drink liquids.

Concerned nurses meet us at the reception, they confirm that breathing is really worrying, they perform all the necessary procedures and we are waiting for a visit to the doctor”, – on Facebook wrote Brigita.

However, the woman said that the doctor who invited her, Ernestas Norvaiš, communicated in a rude manner. When she started to talk about the course of the disease, the doctor allegedly interrupted the mother and reminded her that he had asked about the reason for her arrival.

After Brigita expressed concern about the worsening symptoms of the child’s illness, the doctor ordered the patient to undress.

“Without playing around and trying to find contact with the young child, he checks the heartbeat and listens to the lungs, then looks at the throat,” recalled the girl from Šiauliai.

Finally, the doctor concluded that the child had “mild laryngitis” and ordered to give ibuprofen when the temperature rises and to make sure that the girl drinks a lot of fluids.

Brigita spoke after loudly expressing her doubt, because the child’s condition seemed bad in the eyes of the mother. Only the doctor was not in the mood for discussions in vain.

“The doctor says in a raised tone that he clearly explained how to treat, I asked him not to be angry with me because I’m just worried about my child’s health. It is true, when asked if there is any way I can ease my breathing, on the initiative of the nurse (perhaps I should inhale adrenaline), the doctor brings an ampoule of adrenaline to the house for inhalation.

The doctor also asked how much fluid my daughter drank since yesterday, I said that I didn’t count, but it really wasn’t much. To this answer of mine, the doctor retorted that this is not the answer, because he is asking specifically,” wrote Brigita.

Rushed to the hospital again

The family’s journey home was accompanied by confusion. Together with her husband, Brigita was surprised by the diagnosis of “mild laryngitis” and tried to imagine what a normal disease looked like back then.

There was not much time for deliberations, because the daughter had a fever and, according to the parents, was becoming more and more apathetic.

Finally, the child woke up with a temperature of 40 degrees, started coughing and even suffocated. 5.5 hours had passed since the visit to the hospital.

“We rush to the reception again, where we are greeted by the same, wonderful and caring nurses, they immediately refer us to another doctor (it’s a pity that I don’t remember her name anymore, but she is a wonderful, competent specialist) who, after assessing the condition, immediately places our daughter in intensive care department, where in a good half day, with the help of a professional doctor and staff, my daughter recovers to a really satisfactory condition and finally ends her non-stop wheezing and fever.

By the way, the e-health extract is also interesting, how the anamnesis of a visit to two doctors on the same day, a few hours apart, differs. Doctor Norvaiš says that the daughter has a fever, but is active. True, with a slightly raised voice (he didn’t speak at all at that time). Another doctor writes that her daughter has a fever for 3 days, difficulty breathing at night, stridor at rest, and the intercostal muscles are also involved during breathing. It’s a little different, yes?” Brigita asked rhetorically.

The woman thought that it was human to err, but she read more reviews on the Internet about the doctor who examined her daughter during the first visit. Brigita realized that she could not remain silent.

“Read it too, there were people who almost lost their lives due to this doctor’s assessment and treatment (or rather lack of treatment). It’s good that it ended well, but it could have been different…”, Brigita remarked.

However, she expressed her sincere gratitude to the nurses of the reception department who, despite their intense workload, manage to smile and find ways to approach a sick child. The woman also has good words for the staff of the intensive care unit and the doctor who took a serious look at her daughter’s condition.

The complaint is being investigated

“It would be very interesting to know the management’s opinion about Dr. Ernest Norvaiša’s competences in working with children and people in general,” said Brigita.

The woman wrote a complaint about this case to the RSHL administration. How is he going to be evaluated by the hospital management?

“Each complaint is examined according to the procedure established in the hospital, that is, a special commission is formed according to the nature of the complaint. Both sides of the complaint are always informed of the conclusions”, – Mindaugas Pauliukas, director of the Republican Šiauliai Hospital, stated in a written comment.

According to him, there are complaints about the work of doctors. A total of 4 patient complaints are currently being processed at the hospital.

2024-08-28 13:42:50

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