The doctors specializing in Lapid and Lieberman “stood behind your promise”

by time news

The chairman of the association of specialized doctors “Mersham” Dr. Ray Beaton called a press conference today (Thursday) at noon, at the same time as the time when 200 interns submitted their resignations in protest that the plans to shorten shifts were postponed for more than a year.

The doctors specializing in Lapid and Lieberman “Your promise will be fulfilled” (photo by Dan Bar Dov)

In her words, Dr. Ray Beaton said, “I am addressing the Israeli government and its leader, Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Economy Minister Orna Barbiei, Health Minister Nitzan Horvitz. The letters of resignation that are submitted right now, with an aching heart and a trembling hand, constitute all together and each of them individually, an indictment. And in this indictment, dozens of articles detailing a long tract of exploitation, enslavement, abuse, neglect, causing death by negligence, fraud and breach of trust. And there is not even taking responsibility – only hiding behind the elections, as if there is a lame excuse to protest the disgrace.

The State of Israel, the government of Israel and its ministers made a decision to abandon the interns. To neglect the public health system, to neglect the patients. This is not our struggle – it is the struggle of all the citizens of this country who do not want to be treated or visited by doctors who are not on their feet at 10 pm for their shifts. Shortening shifts is a moral and value obligation towards us and towards the public. And this is a moral and ethical obligation, because this is what you agreed with us, you made a commitment – you have to stand behind your commitments. The notion that the specialized doctors will continue to work at any cost is wrong. We can no longer bear the burden, pay the price and harm our health and the lives of our patients.

About 200 interns submitted their resignations today (photo by Dan Bar Dov)
About 200 interns submitted their resignations today (photo by Dan Bar Dov)

This day is a sad and difficult day. The heart hurts and the hand trembles. It’s a shame you don’t hear the despair, you think your problem is that we are struggling – but we are the solution. not the problem The real problem is that people have lost faith, despair prevails in the hospital corridors and every month more and more good women, doctors and excellent doctors choose to leave the system that crushes every piece of their body and soul. You think that the problem is that stable reform will cause a decrease in the number of doctors – it’s just because You are blind or deliberately turning a blind eye to the real problem – people leave because they feel bad! Because the price is unbearable. Because there are other, more sane options. You are single-handedly leading to the worst health crisis that has ever been here. Because today’s students will not come to the classes at all in the hospital They see the price we pay. And they run away.

Dr. Ray Beaton points an accusing finger at Prime Minister Lapid and Finance Minister Lieberman (photo by Dan Bar Dov)

We have collected nearly 600 letters of resignation in the last few days – do you really think there is no problem here? At this moment, about 200 interns are submitting their letters of resignation. (The letters are now submitted in 20 departments in the hospital: Ichilov – internal medicine 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, neurology, Asuta – internal medicine 1, 2, children, MLRD, neurology, Bilinson – MLRD, Pannimit F, Wolfson – women, Hadassah Ein Kerem – women, Rambam – children A+B) and this is only the first stage. As we said, out of commitment to our patients, we are carrying out a phased resignation process. Each week additional resignation letters will be submitted, with a similar scope. We really hope that by the time the letters go into effect, in about two weeks, and even before we have to implement the second phase of the resignation, that you will wake up! There is an approved budget – NIS 66 million, a small amount in terms of a country. which you approved and signed. Transfer the money to the hospital now! For the sake of standards, so that the hospital can start the staffing process. Not only in the periphery. Also in 5 hospitals in the center – as determined by the implementation committee – as you promised! And do it now, not after the elections! You can, it’s in your hands. Our interns, interns and patients – we all look to you in the hope that you will stop this injustice. And stand up Behind what was agreed! We have no intention of giving up or breaking down, the threats that are already coming to us no longer scare us – we have nothing to lose and we will continue to fight until you shorten the shifts!”

Eran Dotan, medical student
Eran Dotan, medical student “You are driving the students away from the profession” (Photo: Dan Bar Dov)

After Dr. Biton spoke Eran Dotan, a fifth year medical student at Tel Aviv University and the chairman of the student leadership at the registry “We invested many years for these studies, to work in this beautician profession, and what is happening now is that our dream is shattered. The words of Dr. Hila Korah Since yesterday, we have been echoing what we see every day in the hospitals, we see what is happening and we see that the shifts will turn us into people we don’t want to be, impatient with the environment and unforgiving towards ourselves.” I work in high-tech, and so do my friends. Everyone makes escape plans from the profession.”

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