The doctors who make extra shifts in the PACs will charge up to 5,300 euros more per month

by time news

The president of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda PACO RODRIGUEZ

Rueda separates the measures to strengthen the health system from the demonstration on Sunday, in which he sees a political background

09 feb 2023 . Updated at 5:06 p.m.

The Xunta create a list of voluntary personnel to cover the guards in the continuous attention points (PACs) that suffer up to 20% of structural vacancies.

Volunteers should be available three to seven days a month. The availability will be compensated with a pay of 230 euros per day, which means a maximum of 1,610 euros. They will also receive 250 euros for seven-hour guards, 611 euros for 17 and 862 euros for 24 hours. The maximum monthly extra will amount to 5,309 euros per month, the result of adding the availability to two 24-hour guards, two 17-hour guards and three seven-hour guards, according to sources from the regional government.

The price of the guards has been estimated taking the usual salary, plus an extra for working at another point. Thus, the ordinary seven-hour guard is paid at 181.65 euros, to which 70 more euros will be added in this case. For those of 17 hours, 441.15 euros are paid, with an extra of 170 euros. Finally, those for 24 hours are paid in the ordinary way at 622.8 euros, to which the program volunteers will add 240 more.

President, Alfonso Rueda, explained that this limit of 20% of structural casualties will mean that for the moment the system will only be applied in the health area of ​​Pontevedra. However, he stressed that the plan is regional in scope, and will be implemented in other areas if circumstances require it.

The measure, stressed Rueda, is exceptional and is motivated by the difficult situation of the health system. He added that it will be activated immediately and will last for at least six months.

In addition, the Xunta council also approved the call for 413 positions for health personnel that the president announced in his parliamentary appearance on Wednesday. The places will be awarded through a contest, without passing an ordinary opposition. These are difficult-to-fill positions that include 72 positions in Primary Care, 59 in Paediatrics, 109 in different specialties in regional hospitals, and 173 in the mental health area.

Rueda stressed that it is necessary to move quickly in the procedures prior to the call, scheduled for May, so that residents who finish their training this year can participate in it.

Participants must remain as a minimum in the position, as already happened with the 106 toilets hired last year through the same route.

Almost 25% of the vacancies in that call were filled with professionals from outside the public system gallego. Most of them came from other communities or from private healthcare. The president was convinced that this percentage could be exceeded in the next call.

Rueda separated the two measures from the demonstration called this Sunday to protest the situation of the health system. little teen to see, said. The president explained that the call for the 413 places is a continuation of the one for 2022, which must be closed now for residents to enter. While the list of volunteers is due to the aforementioned exceptional situation.

Asked about the political background of the protest, which has the support of the BNG and the PSdeG, Rueda stressed his respect for those attending the call who want improvements in the health system, but did not deny that there was a political background and pointed out that to the opposition the political attrition of the Xunta is much more important than improving public health.

Finally, regarding the invitation issued by the mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballeroto the citizens to attend the call, Rueda reproached that it is much more demanding with the Xunta than with the central Government, which would have in its hand the solution to the shortage of doctors if it called for new MIR positions and created the specialty of medicine of emergencies, according to the president.

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