the draft Constitution provides for general mobilization and relegates French

by time news

The leader of the junta, Colonel Assimi Goïta, was given the text of the new Malian Constitution on Tuesday, February 28.

By Le Figaro with AFP

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The Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, and the Prime Minister of Mali, Choguel Kokalla Maiga after the opening ceremony of the 28th Pan-African Film Festival, in Ouagadougou, February 25, 2023. OLYMPIA DE MAISMONT / AFP

The draft new constitution in Mali strengthens the powers of the president, allows him to order general mobilization in this country destabilized by violence, and relegates French to the rank of “work language“, according to the text consulted Tuesday, February 28 by AFP. The leader of the junta that took power by force in 2020, Colonel Assimi Goïta, received the draft on Monday.

This Constitution is a key element of the vast reform project invoked by the military to justify their continued power. Its adoption would be an important step in the timetable leading to elections in February 2024 and a return of civilians to power. In the calendar drawn up by the junta, this Constitution was supposed to be submitted to a referendum on March 19. But the doubt is great on the respect of this deadline, and Colonel Goïta said nothing on the subject.

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Important powers of the Malian president

The project submitted to the colonel, who was sworn in as president in 2021 after a second putsch in less than a year, amends a preliminary draft disclosed in October 2022. The new draft had not been officially published on Tuesday morning. But AFP was able to consult the document, which strengthens presidential powers, like the 2022 draft, compared to the 1992 Constitution.

In the new Constitution, it would be the president whodetermines national policy», and no longer the government; the president would appoint the prime minister and ministers and terminate their functions. “The government is responsible to the president», and no longer before the National Assembly. The initiative for laws would belong to the president and parliamentarians, and no longer to the government and the National Assembly. Compared to the 2022 draft, the new draft restores the power of the president to dissolve the National Assembly. The president would be elected for five years, and could serve no more than two terms. The new project introduces the possibility for the president to order general mobilization, applicable from the age of 18.

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Mali has been plagued since 2012 by the spread of jihadism and violence of all kinds. The junta pushed French soldiers out in 2022 in a climate of great acrimony and turned militarily and politically towards Russia. In the 2022 draft, as in 1992, French was “the official language of expression», and the local languages ​​were destined to become «official languages“. In the new project,the national languages ​​are the official languages ​​of Mali» et «French is the working language“. The project asserts that Mali is a “Independent, sovereign, unitary, indivisible, democratic, secular and social republic“, while some voices had wanted to question the principle of secularism.

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